
Saturday, August 26, 2017

Hillary Makes My Skin Crawl

This  article first appeared in Eagle Rising.
                                                                                                    $14.99 (Cheap)

Hillary Clinton has another edition out of her never-ending biography, this one entitled, "What Happened", in which she tries to share her post-election hangover with her dwindling  group of followers. And what is the Big Revelation in this latest edition of the Empress Dowager's life?

Donald Trump is a creep. He made her skin crawl when he invaded her space at a debate. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

True a lot of people think Trump is a creep, and he gives them enough ammunition. But this article is not about Trump. It is about Mrs Clinton, who makes my skin crawl every time I hear her name, every time I see her face, and every time she opens her lying mouth.

It's no use reciting the list of scandals that have marked the career of this sociopath. The editors at this site do have a word limit, you know.

But I wonder if being married to a guy like Bill Clinton makes her skin crawl. I guess counting the money acts like a skin balm.

Of course, what this book will not tell you are the real reasons she lost. It was because the American public was so sick of her scandals, lies, and personality that they were willing to turn to the most flawed candidate the Republican party had nominated in its history. It won't tell you that she lost a big chunk of her Democrat voters when they saw that their preferred candidate, the also-flawed Bernie Sanders, had been cheated by Hillary and her co-conspirators at the DNC. The book won't tell you that her disastrous performance before, during and after the Benghazi attack had disqualified her from any further government service. It won't tell you that her email scandal had shown the country that she could not be entrusted with government secrets. I mean when you have Anthony Weiner getting classified emails from his erstwhile wife (Muslim Brotherhood operative Huma Abedin) mixed in with his child pornography, you know the nation's secrets are not in good hands.

No, it will blame Jim Comey, Trey Gowdy, the Republicans, the "white racist" Trump supporters, and her own "failure" to get her message across effectively to the dumb hicks out there in flyover country.

What I would really like to see in this book is what took place at her election eve headquarters in New York when she realized she had lost. Did she really have a classic meltdown, throwing champagne glasses and cursing at her staff?

But that won't be in there either.

1 comment:

Squid said...

Jeff Sessions should indict Hillary Clinton for high crimes against this Country. But, the DC Swamp will not allow this to happen, because it would be an huge embarrassment to America.
