As MSNBC's Butter and egg man, Ed Schultz might say, "
Let's get to work". There's a lot of sh-- out there to shovel.
I don't think that's funny."
(How's that Saturday gig goin' for ya, Ed?)
Why not start with that esteemed "independent scholar with a PhD from Princeton",
Norman Finkelstein, who has progressed from Princeton to DePaul (where he was unceremoniously canned) to Cerritos Community College in Norwalk, California where he spoke this week to a full school food court that was half full when he finished.
As reported above, I used the occasion to renew my 4-year-old question to him about those 2009 protests across the country in which anti-Jewish slurs were shouted out about ovens and Hitler. I pretty much got the same answer as 4 years ago; he didn't know nuttin' about it-even though they are readily available on YouTube. Here's the kicker: This guy, who calls himself a researcher, has had 4 years to check up on my charges and has somehow failed to do so. Chalk it up to a lack of intellectual curiosity, I guess.
I don't think that's funny."
Speaking of the independent scholar with a PhD from Princeton, the group that gave him that title, the Muslim Student Union of UC Irvine will be annoying the campus again the week of May 6-9 with their annual hate fest. If you are wondering what they will be talking about, no, it won't be the on-going carnage in Syria, nor the persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt, nor the suicide bombings in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, nor will it be about the Boston bombing-unless of course, one of their speakers plans to blame it on our government or Israel, which is very possible. No, all the talk will be about Israel. As yet, the headline speakers haven't been named yet, but you can bet one of them will be Amir Abdel Malik Ali, who, no doubt, will lead us in the playing of "
Name that Zionist Jew". Hopefully, the people he names this year will at least be Jewish.
"I don't think that's funny."
Speaking of the Boston bombing, the Dems in Congress are telling us that we should not let this get in the way of immigration reform. Of course not. We clearly need to reform a system that lets in Chechens from Dagestan who claim political asylum, yet go back to visit the land of their persecution, while the Russians warn us multiple times that one of the sons is connected to terrorist elements, and the mother is arrested for shoplifting, skips out and is placed on a terrorist watch list as well as a do not fly list, while the brother comes back to the US and prepares his bombs. We need to give these people a pathway to citizenship.
Speaking of illegal aliens, I am hoping that the MSU at UCI will bring back the most famous illegal alien of them all, British journalist Yvonne Ridley. She's the babe who became the first illegal alien in the history of Afghanistan, when she crossed the border after the US invasion looking for work and disguised as a 1958 Cadillac.
"I don't think that's funny."
Of course, Yvonne was quickly apprehended by the Afghan Border Patrol aka the Taliban. But there was a happy ending as Yvonne eventually found her own pathway to citizenship. Naturally, she had to go back to her own country and get in line, which she dutifully did, converting to Islam and finding employment with Iran's Press TV along with British comedian George Galloway.
Meanwhile, back in the once and future colonies, Hillary Clinton had a bad week this week. Seems her claims of never getting any memo about requests for more security in Benghazi were contradicted by an email with her signature acknowledging the request, but insisting the cuts continue. If true, that means both her and her erstwhile husband have been caught lying under oath. But as a great woman said once, "What difference at this point does it make?"
"I don't think that's funny."
Also a bad week for Janet Napolitano (Every week is a bad week for her.) She had a hard time explaining how the Brothers Tsarnaev were able to fool the DHS watch list system so easily. She couldn't even answer a congressman's questions about the mysterious Saudi who was in a Boston hospital after the bombing, was cleared of wrongdoing, visited by the Saudi consul general of Boston, but ordered deported on national security grounds, then not ordered deported, so she refused to answer the question. That's Janet.
As for MSNBC's one-man Vaudeville act, Chris Matthews, it was just another typical week in the barrel as he made a fool of himself every afternoon on his show, "Hardball", "Screwball", or whatever it's called. He was just one of many who were predicting that the Boston attackers just
had to be anti-taxers or right-wing haters of some sort. Sadly for Chris, the Brothers Tsarnaev ruined it all for him, so he then switched to "
What difference does it make why they did it?"
"Chris Matthews, you've got a weak show."
"I don't think that's funny."
Well, this doesn't even begin to clear away the compost, but speaking of that, I'll close with what has to be the greatest headline since "
Dewey Defeats Truman" That honor goes to the Washington (Com)Post.
that's funny.