
Friday, October 18, 2024

University of Illinois Removes Recognition of SJP

 Another university has taken action against Students for Justice in Palestine. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has withdrawn its recognition of SJP as a student organization. I applaud this   action (though they can apply for reinstatement in the fall term), and I  would like to see every chapter at every campus removed. They are nothing more than a bunch of brown shirts and terror supporters. Their tactics are disruptive and have no place anywhere in this country. 

In the case of UIUC, SJP was a principal organizer of the spring pro-Hamas encampment on campus.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Italy: 28-Year-Old Man Accused of Raping, Impregnating 10-Year Old Girl

Brescia, Italy

This is a big story in Italy for obvious reasons. In the northern Italian town of Brescia, near Milan, a 28-year-old Bangladeshi man is in custody accused of raping and impregnating a 10-year-old Sub-Saharan girl. The suspect, the victim, and her mother were all lodged in a refugee reception center when the crime allegedly occurred.

Hotel Al Cacciatore
-Corriere della Sera

The below article from TPI (Italy) is translated by Fousesquawk. Though the article does not mention that the girl is from sub-Saharan Africa, many other Italian news sources do.

Brescia-10-year-old girl raped and pregnant in a migrant center: 28-year-old arrested

-By Enrico Mingori

 October 14, 2024 at 16:32. Updated October 14, 2024 at 16:34

A 28-year-old man from Bangladesh was arrested in Brescia, accused of having raped a 10-year-old girl, (who) then became pregnant. The crime reportedly took place a few weeks ago at a reception center in San Colombana di Collio.
Both the man and the girl were staying at the Cas (Special Reception Center) located in the Al Cacciatore Hotel, where some 20 refugees and asylum seekers are lodged.
According to what the local newspapers have reconstructed, the 28-year-old reportedly gained the trust of the little girl and the mother by showing kindness, only to turn to sexual abuse. A few weeks ago, the girl's mother reportedly noticed a change in the daughter's behavior, more and more detached from reality. The little girl then reportedly told (her) what had happened, which was reportedly also confirmed by the center. 
The 28-year-old Bangladeshi has been in Italy for about two years, and up to now, was not known to law enforcement. The man is in jail, and his arrest has been validated.
The Juvenile Prosecutor's Office in Brescia is coordinating the case. Up to now, the man reportedly has not responded to questions from the investigators.

Immagine autore

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Germany: Protesters in Hamburg- "Caliphate Is the Solution"

-Hamburger Abendblatt

On Saturday, about 2,000 Muslims demonstrated in Hamburg against what they labeled "the genocide in East Turkistan (Uyghurs)". The event was organized by an organization called Muslim Interactive, which German police say is very close to the Islamist organization, Hizb ut-Tahrir, which is banned in Germany (and should be banned everywhere, in my view since they are supremacist in nature). A similar demonstration was held in Hamburg by Muslim Interactive in April, in which there were calls for "Caliphate is the solution" on placards.

The below article in the Austrian daily, Kronen Zeitung, is translated by Fousesquawk It has a short video of demonstrators chanting in Arabic. One local newspaper, the Hamburger Abendblatt, has a photo from this protest, but only a couple of lines of information.

Ban impossible

Thousands of Islamists at demonstration in Hamburg

Foreign October 12, 2024 at 19:24

By Jakob Drechsler, Michael Arning, and Mahe Cruesemann

Caption: At a demonstration in April in Hamburg, by the same organizer, this sign of a participant caused a commotion. (Sign reads: "Caliphate is the solution".)

Numerous Muslims gathered at a demonstration Saturday evening in Hamburg. Behind the action is a company named Muslim Interactive, which reportedly is close to a banned Islamist organization. 2,000 participants were expected.

The location is the Hamburger Steindamm in St Georg District near the Central Train Station. The motto of the event is: "Stop the genocide against our Uyghur brothers and sisters in East Turkistan". The demonstration was supposed to last three hours.

Connection to banned organization

As reported by Bild, the demonstration was announced by Joe Adade Boateng. The student is the leader of the Islamist movement, "Muslim Interactive". This is in close connection with the banned organization, "Hizb ut-Tahrir", which is monitored by the German Protection of the Constitution (agency- security police).

The organization shared a video of the demonstration on X:

"The solution for East Turkestan:

-The elimination of the treacherous rulers of the Islamic world.

- The complete overcoming of the national state order in the Islamic world.

-The replacement of the colonial order with a just system-the Caliphate, which will enable Jews, Christians, and Muslims to once again live in peaceful harmony."

Advertisement for a caliphate at a demonstration in April

In order to increase the number of participants, the organizers of the demonstration intensively advertised on the Internet. Previously in April, there was a "Muslim Interactive" demonstration, which for many, brought negative attention. One participant there openly propagated: "Caliphate is the solution" on a placard.

According to police, the assembly authorities conducted an examination as to whether the event could be banned. "Since the right of assembly, anchored in Basic Law, represents a cornerstone of our democracy, an assembly can only be banned under special circumstances, for example, when life or limb is endangered. The result of the examination by the assembly authorities was that a ban is not possible," a spokesperson explained to Bild.


Fousesquawk comment: Deportation is the solution.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Netherlands: Home of Jewish Man Ransacked After Attending October 7 Commemoration

-Agence France Presse

It seems like the pro-Palestinian thugs even follow you home now. On October 7, after attending a commemoration in Amsterdam for the victims of the October 7 massacre by Hamas. One Jewish citizen subsequently found his home burglarized and the insides literally torn to pieces, including his Hebrew Bible. The perpetrators are as yet unknown, but the victim suspects that he was followed home by pro-Palestinian activists (who were holding a violent counter-demonstration nearby). You can't get much lower than this.

The incident also calls into question, the decision by Amsterdam's liberal mayor, Femke Halsema, to allow a counter-protest so close to the Jewish event on Dam Square.


-Times of Israel

The below article from Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad, a Jewish news weekly, is translated by Fousesquawk.

House of Amsterdam Jew ripped to pieces "by pro-Palestinian activists"

Editorial staff 10 October 2024, 15:18

Caption: Violent, masked activists attack peaceful people in Amsterdam commemorating the October 7 pogrom.

The contents of Michael Asuss' house in Amsterdam-Buitenveldert were completely destroyed by unknown burglars. He himself thinks that anti-Israel activists followed him home after the commemoration of the October 7 pogrom and then attacked his house. The police say they are conducting an investigation "with high priority", the Telegraaf writes. Jewish symbols, in particular, suffered, (and) an antique Hebrew Bible was even torn up.

The mayor of Amsterdam, Femke Halsema, called the attack, "horrendous". But it is yet another violent incident against Jews and pro-Israel demonstrators in the capital, and critics lay part of the blame on the refusal of Halsema to act against the exploding anti-Semitism in the capital. As an example, she permitted a "counter-demonstration" by violent, masked extremist leftists and Islamiist anti-Israel activists to take place at the Damrak*, just a stone's throw from the Dam (Square), where a peaceful and dignified commemoration of the October 7 pogrom was being held.

(*Damrak: An avenue running from the train station to Dam Square.)

Insert: Critics suggest that Halsema's level of action depends on her own political preference.

The "counter-demonstrators" attempted to disrupt the commemoration and threw paint-and smoke bombs. The people commemorating (October 7) were also physically attacked. Halsema says that she had no choice, and that the violent activists had to be allowed on the Damrak, but this call for freedom of protest seems in sharp contrast with how actions were previously taken against demonstrators during the Corona crisis or the protesters from Extinction Rebellion on King's Day. The mayor has almost unlimited powers in the framework of public order and anyone could have foreseen that the commemoration would end in violence. Critics- including PVV leader (Geert) Wilders, as well as the JA21 faction in the Amsterdam City Council- are suggesting that Halsema's level of action depends on her own political preference. 

Is This What We Can Expect Every October 7th?

This article first appeared in New English Review.

UC Irvine, October 7, 2024

As predicted, the one-year- anniversary of October 7th was met with pro-Palestian mobs commemorating the wrong victims (their own) if not outright celebrating the monstrous attacks carried out last October 7 by Hamas. These attacks involved murder, rape, torture, beheadings, infanticide, and kidnapping. Over 1,200 innocent civilians were murdered, and over 250 taken hostage into Gaza. It was horrific, and you would have thought that those in the West who support the Palestinian cause would have hung their heads in shame.

Not so.

This year, while Jews and the civilized world commemorated those slaughtered on October 7, 2023, the pro-Palestinian mobs used the date to double down and rub our noses in it. Instead of saying one word about the Jews who were murdered and taken hostage, these people chose to mourn their own dead as a result of the war between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah. As for the Israeli victims of October 7, it was all "justifiable resistance against the oppressor". 

Turin, Italy

And so, on October 7th, 2024, and in the days leading up to that date, the mobs turned out on the streets of US, Canadian, and European cities to wave their Palestinian flags and cover their faces with keffiyehs. On October 5 in Rome, there was a full-scale riot in which 30 police officers were injured.

And naturally, on American campuses, the fans of Hamas turned out in force to mark the date. While Jewish students and their supporters held quiet vigils in honor of the dead and those being held hostage, the other side turned out as well with varying degrees of loudness, if not vandalism and violence. The campus where I used to teach and attend countless events dedicated to the conflict from one side or the other, UC Irvine, was no exception though there were no disorders as far as I know. A few dozen students held a rally and chanted the same, tired old chants before marching around the campus with their bullhorns. Aside from Palestinian flags, there were also Lebanese and Yemeni flags. (At least there were no Iranian flags.) I was present and took pictures and videos. Some of the chants referred to "revolution" and "intifada". Once the crowd began their march around campus, I left. I couldn't stomach any more. I would also note that the National Lawyers Guild "legal observers" were also present as distinguished by their lime green baseball caps. Founded in the 1930s as a legal arm of the Communist Party USA, they are now standard fare for every pro-Palestinian protest or counter-protest, ever ready to document any transgression committed by police or pro-Israel supporters. I have encountered them many times just at UC Irvine alone.

You can bet that next October 7 and every year in the foreseeable future, while Jews and other civilized folks commemorate the victims of that awful day with orderly and respectful events, the pro-Palestinian side will mark the date to celebrate the "uprising" and pay tribute to their own dead, be they civilians or Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists. As always, we will note the difference in the tone of these events. The pro-Israel side will be orderly and wave both US and Israeli flags while the pro-Palestinian protests, if not violent, will be loud, threatening, and intimidating. No US flags will be featured, only Palestinian and the occasional flag from some other Middle East nation.

For  Israelis, Jews, and those of us who support them, October 7 will live as a date in infamy, to be commemorated somberly, as we do December 7 and September 11. For the other side, it represents a victory, just as Al Qaida remembers September 11. They would do well to keep in mind that Al Qaida's victory was short-lived because the US responded appropriately, just as we did after Pearl Harbor. That is what Israel is doing today. Unfortunately, we will likely have to witness certain people waving their obnoxious Palestinian flags every October 7, but most of us will be joining with our fellow Jewish citizens to mourn the victims of October 7.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Netherlands/France: Moroccan Maffia Leader Wanted in Netherlands Arrested in France

Dutch and French media are reporting the arrest of Said A. (last names of suspects are not usually reported in European media) in Paris. Said A. is wanted in the Netherlands for his involvement in the notorious Moroccan Maffia aka Mocro Maffia) and the smuggling of drugs into the Netherlands. This organization largely controls the smuggling of cocaine and methamphetamine from South America into the Belgian port of Antwerp, from where they are distributed mostly in Belgium and the Netherlands. The organization's leader, Ridouan Taghi, is currently imprisoned in the Netherlands.

This article from today's RTL Nieuws (Netherlands) is translated from Dutch by Fousesquawk. While it does not specifically mention the Moroccan Maffia, several other news sources do.

Crystal meth producer

Said A. arrested in Paris: Extremely dangerous ringleader

By RTL Nieuws- 8 hours ago. Updated 1 hour ago.

Yesterday in Paris, the French police arrested an important gang leader and drug (trafficker). According to the daily, Le Parisien, he is Said A., a producer of crystal meth.

The criminal, considered extremely dangerous, was first followed for hours by the French military police. Then he was finally arrested in a Paris snack bar.

Dutch arrest warrant

Last August, a warrant was issued by the Netherlands against A. for his involvement in the international drug traffic. According to French media, of Moroccan nationality.

Why A. was in Paris is not clear, according to Le Parisien. "It appears that the man was on the run from Dutch authorities, but it is also possible that he had professional contacts in France," the newspaper writes.

Today, he will be brought before the French court where it will be decided if he will be delivered to the Netherlands. According to Le Parisien, A. is suspected of, among other things, having contact with drug cartels in Mexico.


A spokesperson from the Public Prosecutor's Office in the Netherlands confirms the arrest. The Public Prosecutor's Office suspects the man of involvement in the importation of methamphetamine into the Netherlands. In April, the police found about 100 kilos of methamphetamine in a car in a parking area along A58 near Gilze.

Further investigation led the police to this suspect, the spokesperson from the Public Prosecutor's Office says. At the parking area along the expressway, a 33-year-old man from Tilburg was arrested.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Pro-Hamas "Commemorations" of Oct 7

 This will be updated in the coming hours and days.

-Berliner Morgenpost

Turin, Italy

New York City
-NY Post

The Daily (UW)

Ottawa (Oct 5)
-CVT News

Los Angeles (October 5)
NBC News

Pro-Palestinians attempt to disrupt Jewish memorial on Dam Square

Italy: Hamas Supporting Imam Expelled

Italy has taken action to deport Pakistani Zulfiqar Khan, an imam from a Bologna mosque, due to his history of supporting radical jihadist causes, his anti-Semitism, homophobia, and support for Hamas. We have previously reported on Khan.

The below article from La Stampa is translated by Fousesquawk.

Zulfiqar Khan, Imam of Bologna expressed support for Hamas

The  Interior Minister has signed the removal order from Italian territory for reasons of state security.

-Editorial staff

8 October 2024  Updated at 15:26

Pakistani Zulfiqar Khan, the imam of the mosque at via Jacobo de Paolo in Bologna, was taken to the police headquarters in order to be expelled. The news was given in a press release in which his lawyer, Francesco Murru, spoke of,  "a return to a police state and the persuit of crimes of opinion".

The Minister of Interior has signed an order of removal from Italian territory for reasons of state security: It noted that Zulfiqar has shown a fundamentalist vision of the concept of jihad, and, among other things, has exalted martyrdom and the work of the mujahadin in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, expressing support for Hamas.

Minister Matteo Piantedosi notes in the order of expulsion for Imam Zulfiqar Khan how since the autumn of 2023 he had raised attention for his "growing ideological fanatism" and his" propensity" towards radical positions, "characterized by a strong anti-Western and anti-Semitic resentment and by homophobic and anti-feminist rhetoric." In one of his sermons, it is added, he exhorted the Muslim faithful to fight the intention of the State to impose taxes as the resources should remain within the Muslim community.

In a meeting in central Bologna, he reportedly defined homosexuality as "a disease to be cured", that every Muslim has the right to fight "to avoid catastrophic consequences like the very extinction of the human race". In videos posted on social media between November 2023 and April 2024, he accused Americans, Germans, French, English, and Italians of supporting, "the impure Zionists", and in another, he invoked Allah to destroy the oppressors, that is, the Western nations that support Israel.  He will also be in a position to generate proselytization and be in contact with foreigners who have emerged in investigations for their belonging to "ultra-radical Islam" and in a position to further the infiltration into Bologna of political-religious and part-social, part-terrorist organizations. 

The 54-year-old Pakistani entered Italy in 1995 and holds a residence permit that was revoked at the time of the expulsion (order). The action must now be validated in court and can be appealed to TAR in Lazio (Administrative Regional Tribunal).

Monday, October 7, 2024

How Universities Are Commemorating October 7

 This will be updated over the coming hours and days.


-Columbia Spectator

Northwestern University
Students for Justice in Palestine honor Hamas dead
-Daily Northwestern

University of Michigan
-Campus Reform


                                                      (Suspended) SJP occupies office space
                                                                   -Campus Reform

DePaul University

Students stage walkout over Gaza dead.
Chicago Sun Times

Claremont College (California)
-ABC News

University of Maryland
-MyMCM (Montgomery Country Metro)


-Daily Bruin

McGill University, Montreal
CTV News

City University of New York
ABC News

University of Southern California
-Daily Trojan

-Stanford Daily

UC Irvine

San Francisco State University
Golden Gate Xpress


University of Georgia
-Jihad Watch

Harvard-Windows broken, statue painted
-Harvard Crimson

UC Berkeley
-Daily Californian

University of Wisconsin at Madison
SJP rally
-Badger Herald

Drexel University (Philadelphia)
1 policeman injured, 4 arrests
-Daily Pennsylvanian

Cornell (October 5)
-Cornell Daily Sun

University of Minnesota (Twin Cities)
-The Minnesota Daily (UMN)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
SJP "Vigil for the martyrs"
-Daily Tarheel

"Vigil for Palestine" organized by SJP and Muslim Students Association
-The (Duke) Chronicle

North Carolina State University
-(NCSU) Technician

University of Pittsburgh
-The Pitt News

UC Santa Barbara
-Daily Nexus

UC Davis
-The California Aggie

UC Irvine "Rage" October 7, 2024

The Students for Justice in Palestine called for a campus shutdown (of sorts) at UC Irvine today, the one-year anniversary of the October 7, 2023 attack and massacre of over 1,200 Israelis. Not to commemorate the Israeli victims, mind you, but rather to honor their own Hamas and Hezbollah "martyrs". Even the Houthis of Yemen were honored with several Yemeni flags alongside those of Lebanon and the mythical Palestinian state. In addition, there were a couple of representatives of the National Lawyers Guild present in their lime green caps, presumably to safeguard their constitutional rights.

All in all, instead of the campus-wide shutdown, they had envisioned, a few dozen protesters showed up wearing keffiyahs and chanted their tired old slogans. They called for revolution and intifada. They chanted from the river to the sea, they accused UCI Chancellor Howard Gillman of funding genocide, and they railed against the "military-industrial complex". As usual, it was young women leading the chants. For some reason, they seem to prefer to put their women out front at these events. After a half hour of this, they took off marching around Ring Road like the Pied Piper and the children of Hameln. I only stayed for the chants and took a few videos and photos before calling it a day.

In short, this was not much different than your usual chant-a-long, but what made it really obscene was the choice of the date. Other than that, it was business as usual, the above poster notwithstanding.

Hillel, for its part, set up a table down the road with posters giving the names of the hostages in Gaza along with a description of their kidnapping on October 7. A young female student sat "tied" to a chair with a yellow ribbon taping her mouth shut and playing the part of a hostage. In addition, the names of the hostages were scrawled in chalk along Ring Road near the flagpoles (obviously not by the pro-Hamas crowd). Interestingly, there was no mention of who attacked them, murdered them, raped them, and took them hostage (Hamas).

"Revolution", "Intifada"

SJP marches off into the sunset followed by the National Lawyers Guild "legal observer" in black with the lime green cap.