
Friday, August 25, 2017

San Diego State University Turmoil Over Barcelona Attack

Hat tip Eagle Rising

After the attacks in Spain in the past few days, the head of the College Republicans at San Diego State University wrote a letter to his counterpart at the Muslim Student Association asking the MSA to condemn the attacks. Eagle Rising picks up the narrative.

So the question is should we expect Muslims, most of whom are not trying to kill anybody, to condemn Islamic terror attacks? I'm afraid the answer is yes. I would go even further. Since we know that many thousands of Western-based Muslims have joined groups like ISIS and Al Shabaab in the Middle East and the African Horn respectively, I think it's fair to ask how many Western-based Muslims have marched off to those regions to fight against ISIS.

As far as I know, the answer is zero.

I feel sorry for innocent Muslims in the West who live peacefully that they live under this cloud of suspicion. We have reached the point where it is natural to look at any random Muslim on the street and wonder what that person's intentions are. Too much blood has been spilled not to be suspicious.

You may view the SDSU College Republicans as having acted provocatively. Perhaps they did. The MSA reacted defensively and angrily. How convenient that they take the national hysteria over Charlottesville and a few racist nutcases fighting with Antifa on the streets to throw this out:

"The MSA didn’t respond to a request for comment, but wrote on Facebook that the MSA expresses its “support for victims of white supremacy, nationalism, and terrorism. Our solidarity is what makes us strong and we must continue to work together to make our college campus a safe place for all students.”

This is what I have learned about MSA chapters. Many of their members may join for all the right reasons seeking religious support groups. The leaders of these chapters generally have political agendas. That's why their response at SDSU is all too expected.  Then again, if they were to issue condemnations every time an act of Islamic terrorism takes place, that's all they would have time for.

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