
Saturday, August 26, 2017

Qazwini Apologizes and Retracts Charge on IS-Israel

“After careful reflection on the reliability of these sources and on the realization of the extent to which these comments have offended and hurt members of the Jewish community, I have decided to rescind my comments,”

Orange County Imam Sayed Moustafa al Qazwini, under intense fire over his statements in a sermon that Israel created ISIS, has now issued an apology and  retraction.

So it took all this time for him to consider that his sources in Iraq may not have been the most reliable. So much for the wisdom of Qazwini. When the news first broke, he said that he had gotten too emotional when he was speaking. Here is the video. Does he look emotional? Hardly. He said it coolly, matter of factly.

Any Jewish (or Christian) leader that continues to welcome this man at those inter-faith conferences is a fool.

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