
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Charlie Hebdo Is Back (?)

Hat tip Creeping Sharia and The Blaze

I was under the impression that France's satirical Charlie Hebdo was in limbo of some sorts. According to Creeping Sharia, which cross-posted the cover of CH's latest edition, they may be back in action.

-Charlie Hebdo

The heading reads: Islam, religion of  Eternal  peace. *Update: Is it also drawing attention from the internet censors? I note that both my and Creeping Sharia's depiction of the cover has been removed. I have posted it again. (The first one is back.)

The picture, which is a response to the Barcelona attack, is drawing praise and condemnation among the French.

Get ready, France.
Image result for fortune teller with crystal ball
" I see a horrific event happening......Yes. It will be somewhere in France.......Yes, I see it now. Paris."

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