
Sunday, August 27, 2017

"Safe Spaces" at Mizzou

Hat tip Campus Reform and The Maneater

The beleaguered University of Missouri, which garnered so much negative publicity a while back over the Black Lives Matter issue, is now holding weekly meetings for students of color (which colors, you ask?) to help them cope with the injustices being at a predominantly white university.

"According to a flyer advertising the meetings, the purpose of the healing group “is to provide a space for people of color” to “validate and affirm one another” while processing “race-related macro and microaggressions.”

And with two doctoral students as facilitators, no less.

But the best part of it all is that there is plenty of safe space at Mizzou. Enrollment over the past year is down so drastically that they have had to close dorms and other facilities as well as lay off employees.  So space is not an issue.

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