
Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Diplomatic Rift Between Hungary and the Netherlands

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

As we have been reporting previously, the Eastern European countries are having their differences with their Western European allies regarding the migrant crisis. Hungary and other Eastern European countries are not willing to admit any more refugees or migrants and thus suffer the same problems as they see in Western Europe. The EU, acting more like the USSR, is threatening punishment if the Eastern European countries don't take in "their fair share."

Now comes the outgoing Dutch ambassador to Hungary, who told the Hungarian media that their country was acting like the terrorists, Hungary has now recalled its own ambassador to the Hague.

There is a wider struggle going on within the EU, whose leaders support the continuing flow of people into their member countries. It is the Eastern  Europeans, who have only recently tasted freedom, who have no wish to lose it. I am rooting for the Eastern Europeans in this one. Yes, Hungary has a controversial leader, but what the EU is trying to unleash on that country, as well as others like Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, is much worse.

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