Classes at the University of Chicago were canceled Monday after the FBI notified the university about an online threat. At the same time, 21-year-old Jabari Dean was being charged after making an explicit online threat to kill white students and staff on the campus in retaliation for the police killing a year ago of Laquan McDonald, for which a white police officer has been charged with first degree murder. Dean is a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dean promised to kill 16 white students or staff plus any white cops who responded. This was a reference to the 16 shots fired at McDonald.
Fousesquawk comment: The Black Lives Matter movement is taking on dangerous aspects. It is now resulting in intimidation of white students as seen at Dartmouth College and other campuses.
Now this.
For years, I have been warning that the constant demonization of Israel on campuses by
pro-Palestinian students will one day result in a tragedy on a university campus-most likely the murder of a Jewish student. Could it be that the Black Lives Matter movement will get somebody on a college campus killed first?
It is not enough that college administrators decry racism or bigotry against minorities. They must also decry bigotry against all people including Jews and Caucasians. Yes, Folks: All lives matter.
Monday, November 30, 2015
The Planned Parenthood Shooting
Robert Dear
I wanted to wait until we learned more about the man who killed three people at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs. Specifically, I wanted to know about the motive. It is reported that when Robert Dear was finally taken into custody, he rambled something about, "no more body parts". Others who knew him say he was anti-abortion. Thus, I am satisfied that he was against abortion and had deliberately singled out Planned Parenthood. There is no excuse or justification for what he did. It also appears by published accounts that the man is mentally disturbed.
Predictably, Planned Parenthood and the left are quick to politicize this by pointing out the recent revelations through undercover videos that have brought great discredit to PP. Any criticism of PP for their abortion procedures and chopping up babies for sale and profit is entirely justified. It is no excuse for what Mr Dear did, but it does not invalidate the disclosures or the criticism.
The way to put PP out of business is through legislation not murder. But Robert Dear speaks for nobody other than his own demons.
Dartmouth in Full Whitewash Mode
Dartmouth College Library
The current issue of the Dartmouth campus paper, The Dartmouth, is taking a predictably politically correct line on the November 12 incident at the Dartmouth College library in which Black Lives Matter protesters engaged in disruptions and intimidation. It appears the university is going to defend the actions of the protesters.
The conservative campus paper, The Dartmouth Review, has a different take.
Below is a video of Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Inge-Lise Ameer at an "emergency community meeting" with students in which she totally defends the actions of the demonstrators and condemns those who complained. She says, "There's a whole conservative world out there that's not very nice." "They're f---ing racists," says a student in response. She talks about protecting students from an unsafe environment and wants to be informed if anyone calls them "terrible names". However, she is not talking about the white students who were verbally abused in the library. She is speaking to her audience, the students in the room. It is beyond amazing.
This woman talks like she's been smoking her socks.
I find it amazing that people can defend walking into a library, disrupting the efforts of students to study and hurling insults at white this and white that. A reported physical assault against a white female student is disputed, but the racist verbal assaults are defended.
After all, it was "nothing personal".
So just who is it that doesn't feel safe at Dartmouth? How many cases have there been of black students being assaulted on campus? How about somebody check with the Dartmouth Campus Police to see when such an incident last happened? When is the last time that any black students were subjected what those white students in the library were subjected to?
Seems to me a lot of Dartmouth students should transfer to another school. Leave it to the protesters and administrators like Inge Lise-Ameer.
Pro-Palestinian Crybabies at UMich Don't Want Debate
Hat tip The College Fix
This is what happens when someone has the audacity to debate with pro-Palestinian supporters on campuses. They cry foul. At the University of Michigan, pro-Palestinian students set up a display of the Israeli wall, which they (the students) refer to as the "Apartheid Wall". (It separates Israelis' from those who want to murder them.) So a Jewish student engages them in debate. Result?
I have seen these mock wall displays at UC Irvine every year when the Muslim Student Union holds their annual anti-Israel week. I have also seen it at San Diego State University when they held theirs. It is routine for MSU students to pass out pamphlets and be ready to "explain" the pro-Palestinian narrative to interested passers-by (of which there are few). Thus, when they are engaging in these campus protests, they should be ready to engage with those who might just disagree, right?
Oh, I forgot. To disagree with the little cupcakes is a form of micro-aggression. Or is it macro-aggression?
To the pro-Palestinian crybabies at the University of Michigan, I would say if you want to set up a mock apartheid wall with images of terrorists, like Leila Khalid, on them masquerading as human rights champions, and wear mock IDF costumes, be prepared for debate. If you want to publicly say that Israeli soldiers are murderers, be prepared for debate. If you are not ready for that, maybe you ought to put on your student costumes and get back to class.
Maybe we should put these crybabies out of the football field with Coach Jim Harbaugh and put them in shoulder pads. Maybe he can make men of them.
But I doubt it.
This is what happens when someone has the audacity to debate with pro-Palestinian supporters on campuses. They cry foul. At the University of Michigan, pro-Palestinian students set up a display of the Israeli wall, which they (the students) refer to as the "Apartheid Wall". (It separates Israelis' from those who want to murder them.) So a Jewish student engages them in debate. Result?
I have seen these mock wall displays at UC Irvine every year when the Muslim Student Union holds their annual anti-Israel week. I have also seen it at San Diego State University when they held theirs. It is routine for MSU students to pass out pamphlets and be ready to "explain" the pro-Palestinian narrative to interested passers-by (of which there are few). Thus, when they are engaging in these campus protests, they should be ready to engage with those who might just disagree, right?
Oh, I forgot. To disagree with the little cupcakes is a form of micro-aggression. Or is it macro-aggression?
To the pro-Palestinian crybabies at the University of Michigan, I would say if you want to set up a mock apartheid wall with images of terrorists, like Leila Khalid, on them masquerading as human rights champions, and wear mock IDF costumes, be prepared for debate. If you want to publicly say that Israeli soldiers are murderers, be prepared for debate. If you are not ready for that, maybe you ought to put on your student costumes and get back to class.
Maybe we should put these crybabies out of the football field with Coach Jim Harbaugh and put them in shoulder pads. Maybe he can make men of them.
But I doubt it.
"This is a University-Not a Day Care Center"
Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Everett Piper has coined a new phrase in telling his students that OKWU is a university-not a day care center. Fox News' Todd Starnes has a report.
Mr Piper has hit the nail on the head, and his remarks could not have been more timely.
Mr Piper has hit the nail on the head, and his remarks could not have been more timely.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
In Sweden, Forced Virginity Tests-Plus More
Hat tip Creeping Sharia
Imagine that an elder family member could take a young female relative, in this case, a niece, to a public medical clinic and force her to undergo a virginity test by doctors against her will.
Saudi Arabia? Iran? Think again. That is what is happening in Sweden, a country that has totally capitulated to its swelling immigrant (Muslim) population.
Creeping Sharia has posted a Swedish undercover report by Kalla Fakta, of three Middle Eastern females taken to a health clinic by their "aunt" for virginity tests-against their will. All four females were undercover operatives. There is a video in Swedish (without sub-titles). In one clinic, the doctor says that she has performed hundreds of such examinations on children and adults. One of the girls says on video that does not want to be examined.
Imagine that an elder family member could take a young female relative, in this case, a niece, to a public medical clinic and force her to undergo a virginity test by doctors against her will.
Saudi Arabia? Iran? Think again. That is what is happening in Sweden, a country that has totally capitulated to its swelling immigrant (Muslim) population.
Creeping Sharia has posted a Swedish undercover report by Kalla Fakta, of three Middle Eastern females taken to a health clinic by their "aunt" for virginity tests-against their will. All four females were undercover operatives. There is a video in Swedish (without sub-titles). In one clinic, the doctor says that she has performed hundreds of such examinations on children and adults. One of the girls says on video that does not want to be examined.
Al Jazeera Anchorwoman Praises Palestinian Stabber as "My Hero"
Hat tip Algemeiner
An Al Jazeera anchor woman in Qatar posted a video of a Palestinian stabbing an Israeli border policemen and praising him as "my hero".
This, of course, is the sick type of thinking I would expect from an Al Jazeera reporter in Qatar (where Al Jazeera is based.) One should also keep in mind that Al Gore sold his interest in Current TV to Al Jazeera America. Thanks, Al.
In addition, to Al Jazeera America, we also have Al Jazeera English. Both have their share of Western reporters and writers. In my view, that is especially despicable.
An Al Jazeera anchor woman in Qatar posted a video of a Palestinian stabbing an Israeli border policemen and praising him as "my hero".
This, of course, is the sick type of thinking I would expect from an Al Jazeera reporter in Qatar (where Al Jazeera is based.) One should also keep in mind that Al Gore sold his interest in Current TV to Al Jazeera America. Thanks, Al.
In addition, to Al Jazeera America, we also have Al Jazeera English. Both have their share of Western reporters and writers. In my view, that is especially despicable.
Are You Ready for Another One-Sided Israel-Bashing Event?
Hat tip JJ
Another Israel-bashing event is coming to San Diego on December 1 hosted by some outfit called the San Diego World Affairs Council.
Don't laugh. Don't you know San Diego has the world's greatest zoo?
Of course, the issue is Israel vs the Palestinians. If you think that because it is being run by three professors, including one Palestinian, one Israeli, and an American Jew, it will be objective and balanced-think again.
The event will feature Professors Jonathan Graubart and Farid Abdel Nour, both of whom are professors at San Diego State University and Gershon Shafir of the University of California at San Diego. They are all anti-Israel activists. And you won't believe the topic.
What's driving the random stabbings in Israel?
To anyone with half a brain, you could mail the answer in: It is because the Palestinians hate the Israelis, hate the Jews, and are determined to drive every last Jew out of the Holy Land in order to create a country that has never existed-Palestine. They are driven by many forces, Islamic hatred of Jews, incitement to violence by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and by Hamas in Gaza, as well as craven support for whatever they do by a corrupt Western media and left-wing Western academics-including the above three.
If you click the above link on Graubart above, it describes my first experience seeing this guy in action. On that occasion in 2014, he not only hosted another Israel-bashing activist, he whined about the people who oppose his views, basically picturing himself as some sort of victim because he gets criticized. He needs to put on his big boy pants, in my view.
So you know already that these three characters will blame it all on Israel and talk about the desperate hopelessness of the poor Palestinian killers. These three professors will lament the fact that some of these stabbers (armed only with knives) have been shot and killed by Israeli forces or armed civilians who are quickly on the spot to stop further bloodshed.
Of course, sensible people know that if you go stabbing and killing people-even with a knife- you are likely to be shot. We could have mailed in the answer to the above question.
But these are professors, people who live in a different world-and who have an agenda. There will be no debate.
Another Israel-bashing event is coming to San Diego on December 1 hosted by some outfit called the San Diego World Affairs Council.
Don't laugh. Don't you know San Diego has the world's greatest zoo?
Of course, the issue is Israel vs the Palestinians. If you think that because it is being run by three professors, including one Palestinian, one Israeli, and an American Jew, it will be objective and balanced-think again.
The event will feature Professors Jonathan Graubart and Farid Abdel Nour, both of whom are professors at San Diego State University and Gershon Shafir of the University of California at San Diego. They are all anti-Israel activists. And you won't believe the topic.
What's driving the random stabbings in Israel?
To anyone with half a brain, you could mail the answer in: It is because the Palestinians hate the Israelis, hate the Jews, and are determined to drive every last Jew out of the Holy Land in order to create a country that has never existed-Palestine. They are driven by many forces, Islamic hatred of Jews, incitement to violence by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and by Hamas in Gaza, as well as craven support for whatever they do by a corrupt Western media and left-wing Western academics-including the above three.
If you click the above link on Graubart above, it describes my first experience seeing this guy in action. On that occasion in 2014, he not only hosted another Israel-bashing activist, he whined about the people who oppose his views, basically picturing himself as some sort of victim because he gets criticized. He needs to put on his big boy pants, in my view.
So you know already that these three characters will blame it all on Israel and talk about the desperate hopelessness of the poor Palestinian killers. These three professors will lament the fact that some of these stabbers (armed only with knives) have been shot and killed by Israeli forces or armed civilians who are quickly on the spot to stop further bloodshed.
Of course, sensible people know that if you go stabbing and killing people-even with a knife- you are likely to be shot. We could have mailed in the answer to the above question.
But these are professors, people who live in a different world-and who have an agenda. There will be no debate.
Molenbeek (Brussels): Meet the Mayor
Hat tip Gatestone Institute and Shirley
The Brussels district of Molenbeek has emerged in international news as a center of radical Islamic activity in Europe. In this article by Stefan Frank in the Gatestone Institute, we learn that much of the blame can be laid at the door step of its anti-Israel, anti-Jewish mayor, Philippe Moureaux.
It is bad enough that Moureaux makes excuses for the crime in his jurisdiction. How does he excuse the fact that it is a center of terrorism now?
The Brussels district of Molenbeek has emerged in international news as a center of radical Islamic activity in Europe. In this article by Stefan Frank in the Gatestone Institute, we learn that much of the blame can be laid at the door step of its anti-Israel, anti-Jewish mayor, Philippe Moureaux.
It is bad enough that Moureaux makes excuses for the crime in his jurisdiction. How does he excuse the fact that it is a center of terrorism now?
NYPD Radicalization Report
The New York Post is reporting that the city of New York has reached some sort of settlement with Muslim religious leaders that may include the NYPD removing its intelligence report on Islamic radicalization from its files.
That may be so, but for the benefit of my readers, here is the report. It is well worth reading.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Marine Le Pen's Speech in European Parliament
Hat tip Gates of Vienna, Vlad Tepes and Oz-Rita
Nigel Farage may no longer be in the European Parliament, but he has been replaced by France's Marine Le Pen. In the wake of the November 13 attacks in Paris, Le Pen gave this impassioned speech in the European Parliament, in which she attacked the European institutions, but also called into question the alliances of countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar. She also stated that it is time to restore the borders of the European nations.
Nigel Farage may no longer be in the European Parliament, but he has been replaced by France's Marine Le Pen. In the wake of the November 13 attacks in Paris, Le Pen gave this impassioned speech in the European Parliament, in which she attacked the European institutions, but also called into question the alliances of countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar. She also stated that it is time to restore the borders of the European nations.
In a Swedish Village, the Predictable Happens
Hat tip Creeping Sharia

"Ten thousand arriving every week in Sweden"
-Daily Mail
It was so predictable. The Swedish government has settled migrants into a small village which did not want them. Now fighting has broken out. The village in question is Tärnsjö, 9-0 miles north of Stockholm.
While I don't condone the cations of the villagers against the migrants, this whole situation should not come as a shock. It is a microcosm of what is happening all over Sweden and all over Europe.
"Ten thousand arriving every week in Sweden"
-Daily Mail
It was so predictable. The Swedish government has settled migrants into a small village which did not want them. Now fighting has broken out. The village in question is Tärnsjö, 9-0 miles north of Stockholm.
While I don't condone the cations of the villagers against the migrants, this whole situation should not come as a shock. It is a microcosm of what is happening all over Sweden and all over Europe.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Tax Payer Money Going to Fund Campus Anti-Semitism?
Hat tip The Blaze and JJ
NGO-Monitor filed a California Public Records request from California universities that revealed public monies turned over to Students for Justice in Palestine. The records have been posted by The Blaze. With that public money, SJP has paid speakers who savage the Jewish state of Israel and defend acts of violence carried out against innocent Israelis by Palestinian terrorists.
How many times have I written about anti-Jewish Brown Shirt tactics and hate speech on our campuses? This is an example of how public money is paying for it.
NGO-Monitor filed a California Public Records request from California universities that revealed public monies turned over to Students for Justice in Palestine. The records have been posted by The Blaze. With that public money, SJP has paid speakers who savage the Jewish state of Israel and defend acts of violence carried out against innocent Israelis by Palestinian terrorists.
How many times have I written about anti-Jewish Brown Shirt tactics and hate speech on our campuses? This is an example of how public money is paying for it.
Don't Let the Fascists Take Over Our Campuses
From Brandeis University in Boston to the Universities of Missouri and Texas and all points in-between and beyond, modern day Brown Shirts are taking over our universities. The below article in The Times of Israel paints a depressing picture of the state of American universities, where a minority of students with hand-picked causes and agendas are dominating the campuses.
First of all, let me pay a tribute to Daniel Mael, a courageous young student described in the above article. It is all too easy for young college students, who, for the most part, just want to finish school, get along with everybody, and enjoy their college experience. Daniel is an exception. He chooses to stand up for his beliefs in the face of intimidation. I have met others like Daniel, who have stood up to the bullies and the Brown Shirts on campus. Their university experience has been largely ruined, but they know there is something more important in life.
Today, our universities are being taken over by misguided students with different agendas, whether it be black students who think they are back in the 1950s (They should sit down and talk with people like James Meredith) to pro-Palestinian students, who are resorting to Brown Shirt tactics to further a cause most Americans rightfully do not sympathize with.
Do these students represent most students? Not at all, but as usual, it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Thus, indoctrinated and aided by radical faculty, these malcontents have intimidated college presidents across the board who give in to their outrageous demands. It is a sickening spectacle.
Largely, I place the blame on the professors, those over-educated pseudo intellectuals who think it is their calling to use their classroom as a soapbox to indoctrinate students into a post-colonial, anti-West, anti-Israel, anti-America, pro-Marxist way of thinking. They try to convince students that they are victims of an unjust, racist and imperialistic society (America). They deny the greatness of America preferring to define this country by every mistake or misstep we have made in our history. Unfortunately, they are succeeding in persuading our youth that America doesn't work and is irredeemable.
On a positive note, the latest wave of outrages on our campuses is starting to get national attention, and well it should. I don't know if there are enough courageous Daniel Maels out there to rise up and insist that the universities knock off the nonsense and get back to the business of education. For example, do you really think there are many students who are going to stand up and say, "All lives matter, and if that's not good enough for you, go to hell"? Similarly, the very culture of our universities dictates that there are not too many presidents who are going to say no to black dorms and black-only study facilities and tell their students that they are equal to other students and that's it.
But those who contribute to universities, the donors, the benefactors, can choose to give their money elsewhere until the insanity stops.
It is not enough that sensible young students go through 4 years of this nonsense, graduate and laugh it off, with "Yeah, we just put up with it to get by." If they are having to sit through lectures absorbing some dopey professor's view of the world, that is not education. They are being shortchanged, and they should complain to the dean. (Some do, and most fail to get satisfaction.) I could suggest transferring to another school, but it would be no different say, if you transfer from UCLA to USC.
Ultimately, the universities have to be hit in the pocketbook. The voters should let their elected representatives know that they don't want to support public universities who engage in this nonsense (virtually all of them do). If students are intimidated on campus and can get no help from the administration (Ask some Jewish students), they should file class action law suits.
Universities are no different than other entities in that they care about the bottom line. Only if that is threatened will they reform.
Down Under: Muslim Guy Chooses Wrong Synagogue
Hat tip Vlad Tepes and Daily Mail

Typical scene. In Australia, a Muslim guy thought that he was in Saudi Arabia when he accosted some Hasidic Jews outside their own synagogue. Result? He found himself flat on his back when he tried to choke one of them out.
Typical scene. In Australia, a Muslim guy thought that he was in Saudi Arabia when he accosted some Hasidic Jews outside their own synagogue. Result? He found himself flat on his back when he tried to choke one of them out.
Huma Abedin Meets Project Veritas
Top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin is part of a family with documented ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. This goes back to Abedin's days working for the Institute of Minority Muslim Affairs. More recently, she worked for Clinton in the State Department and is caught up in the email scandal.
James O'Keefe's Project Veritas caught up with Abedin at a speaking event in which she affirmed her support (and Hillary's) for bringing Syrian refugees into the US. A PV reporter, pretending to be sympathetic to the refugees, asked Abedin a couple of questions, and Huma fell right into the trap.
Hitler Learns That Johnny Foosball Has Screwed Up Again
Item: The Cleveland Browns have announced that they have demoted Johnny Manziel to third string after a video of him surfaced partying with champagne in Austin, Texas during the Browns' bye week.
In Berlin, the news was met with outrage.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
University of Minnesota 9-11 Controversy Update
Hat tip Daily Beast and Minnesota Daily
We recently posted the news about the University of Minnesota student government's decision not to commemorate 9-11 for fear of offending certain students or making them feel less safe.
The Daily Beast has followed up on the controversy.
The University itself, no doubt having heard from their donors, announced that no matter what decisions were reached by the student government, the university would, indeed, commemorate 9-11. Here below is an editorial by the campus paper, Minnesota Daily.
Sorry to break it to the little rascals, but when you bring national discredit to your university, the adults should step in. All too often they don't.
We recently posted the news about the University of Minnesota student government's decision not to commemorate 9-11 for fear of offending certain students or making them feel less safe.
The Daily Beast has followed up on the controversy.
The University itself, no doubt having heard from their donors, announced that no matter what decisions were reached by the student government, the university would, indeed, commemorate 9-11. Here below is an editorial by the campus paper, Minnesota Daily.
Sorry to break it to the little rascals, but when you bring national discredit to your university, the adults should step in. All too often they don't.
Israeli Professor at University of Texas Wears Disguise on Campus
Hat tip Algemeiner
In recent days we have been reporting on an incident where pro-Palestinian students disrupted a talk by an Israeli military expert. There was a heated confrontation involving the professor, Ami Pedahzur, and the protesters until the campus cops (finally) arrived. Now Professor Pedahzur lives in fear from the campus brown shirts. Algemeiner has the report.
What can I say? The university should make it clear that they won't tolerate any intimidation of this professor by students.
By the way: I don't wear a disguise at UC Irvine.
In recent days we have been reporting on an incident where pro-Palestinian students disrupted a talk by an Israeli military expert. There was a heated confrontation involving the professor, Ami Pedahzur, and the protesters until the campus cops (finally) arrived. Now Professor Pedahzur lives in fear from the campus brown shirts. Algemeiner has the report.
What can I say? The university should make it clear that they won't tolerate any intimidation of this professor by students.
By the way: I don't wear a disguise at UC Irvine.
Olive Tree Initiative Hit at UCLA
A writer for the Daily Bruin with an Armenian background attended a meeting of the much-maligned Olive Tree Initiative which discussed the Armenian genocide. Normally devoted to the illusion that they are going to bring peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, OTI has also taken up the Armenian genocide as an issue they want to resolve-somehow. Anyway, the writer was not pleased with the way the event went. His report is in the Daily Bruin. I, of course, have added a comment to the reader thread.
Established several years ago at UC Irvine, the OTI, was, of course, supposed to be the answer to the conflict on campus between Muslim and Jewish students over the Israeli-Palestinian issue. It has failed. Today, the UC Regents are struggling-and I mean struggling- to come up with a statement of principles on intolerance that specifically addresses the problem of anti-Semitism on its campuses. Aside from that, they have the even greater task of actually confronting anti-Semitism on campus. The OTI has been a grand failure. All it has accomplished is to sway students toward the Palestinian narrative. In fact, I know of 3 or 4 Jewish students who have joined Students for Justice in Palestine on the UCI/UCLA campuses since returning from their trip to the Middle East with OTI.
I could have warned the student/writer not to expect anything positive.
Dutch Activist Blames the French for the Paris Attack
Hat tip Campus Reform
Leave it to some Dutch left-winger to blame the victim. In this case we have Peter Druker, participating in some wacko leftist panel at Eastern Michigan University. Whom does he blame for the recent Paris attacks? Why the French of course. Campus Reform has the report.
Druker also abuses our hospitality by coming to our country and trashing us. Outside a university campus, who would appreciate that?
When the radical Islamists take over the Netherlands, which won't be long, it will be interesting to see how they treat Mr Druker. Of course, he will blame it on his own country.
Leave it to some Dutch left-winger to blame the victim. In this case we have Peter Druker, participating in some wacko leftist panel at Eastern Michigan University. Whom does he blame for the recent Paris attacks? Why the French of course. Campus Reform has the report.
Druker also abuses our hospitality by coming to our country and trashing us. Outside a university campus, who would appreciate that?
When the radical Islamists take over the Netherlands, which won't be long, it will be interesting to see how they treat Mr Druker. Of course, he will blame it on his own country.
Eastern Michigan University Black Student Demands
Hat tip The Eastern Echo
As many criticisms as I have of academia, I honestly can't believe that it is a racist institution-. certainly not directed towards African-Americans. True, we all want to see more blacks in college and we want them to succeed in college. Today, universities are bending over backwards to be welcoming and accommodating to African-American students. True, there will always be isolated incidents by some knuckleheads, but I do believe they are rare. (Oops. I guess that puts me in violation of UC Irvine's new policy of not saying that acts of racism are rare. Acts of anti-Semitism are hardly rare.)
Among all the universities emulating the University of Missouri, Eastern Michigan University must stand out. At a conference dedicated to "Institutional Racism in Higher Education", a list of demands were presented that are eye opening.
Black Homecoming? Really? I'll bet the KKK would be happy to sign off on some of those demands.
Here is my point: Anything that smacks of segregation I am against. Having things like black dorms, black study areas, and anything else limited to ethnic groups is taking our society backwards. Furthermore, in my view, these ethnic studies departments and majors don't prepare students for anything other than to become professors and teach the next generation.
I don't know anything about the situation at Eastern Michigan University, but we are drifting too much into tribalization of our society, and it is divisive.
Hey! I have an idea. How about a color-blind campus?
As many criticisms as I have of academia, I honestly can't believe that it is a racist institution-. certainly not directed towards African-Americans. True, we all want to see more blacks in college and we want them to succeed in college. Today, universities are bending over backwards to be welcoming and accommodating to African-American students. True, there will always be isolated incidents by some knuckleheads, but I do believe they are rare. (Oops. I guess that puts me in violation of UC Irvine's new policy of not saying that acts of racism are rare. Acts of anti-Semitism are hardly rare.)
Among all the universities emulating the University of Missouri, Eastern Michigan University must stand out. At a conference dedicated to "Institutional Racism in Higher Education", a list of demands were presented that are eye opening.
Black Homecoming? Really? I'll bet the KKK would be happy to sign off on some of those demands.
Here is my point: Anything that smacks of segregation I am against. Having things like black dorms, black study areas, and anything else limited to ethnic groups is taking our society backwards. Furthermore, in my view, these ethnic studies departments and majors don't prepare students for anything other than to become professors and teach the next generation.
I don't know anything about the situation at Eastern Michigan University, but we are drifting too much into tribalization of our society, and it is divisive.
Hey! I have an idea. How about a color-blind campus?
George Galloway: Turkey Day in UK
George Galloway: He Went to Syria
It may not be Turkey Day in the UK, but they always have George Galloway, the Ultimate Turkey, who is actually running to be mayor of London.
When a bloke like Sadiq Khan quotes a disturbing British poll that suggests 20% of British Muslims have some degree of support for ISIS and stresses the need to counter extremism in that community, George attacks Khan. The Huffington Post has the story. Note also that HP highlights the supposed confusion of the poll because it does not ask which side Western Muslims fight on when they go to Syria. (Need they ask?)
Here's a fun fact: More British Muslims have joined ISIS than their own armed forces.
It gets better: According to Jihad Watch, over 30,000 foreign fighters from 100 countries have traveled to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS. This report was dated in September when some analysts were saying ISIS had "lost momentum". That was before the plane bomb in Egypt and the attacks in Paris.
Here is my question: How many Western Muslims do we know have traveled to Iraq or Paris to fight against ISIS? Maybe Galloway has the answer. Nobody else seems to know.
Be Thankful You Don't Have a Kid in College
"Producing the Leaders of Tomorrow"
(Artwork by Fousesquawk. All rights reserved.)
George Will, who is thankful he is not appearing on the O'Reilly Factor this Thanksgiving, has written an op-ed in which he gives examples of why one could give thanks for not having a kid in college. Unfortunately, my campus of UC Irvine is mentioned in the article.
You know, I have always wondered what "social ecology" means. It reminds me of ethnic cleansing. Then again, they don't pay me to name their departments.
But if I may borrow a line from WC Fields:

"All things considered, I would rather be in college."
(Artwork by Fousesquawk. All rights reserved.)
George Will, who is thankful he is not appearing on the O'Reilly Factor this Thanksgiving, has written an op-ed in which he gives examples of why one could give thanks for not having a kid in college. Unfortunately, my campus of UC Irvine is mentioned in the article.
You know, I have always wondered what "social ecology" means. It reminds me of ethnic cleansing. Then again, they don't pay me to name their departments.
But if I may borrow a line from WC Fields:
"All things considered, I would rather be in college."
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
President Hollande Goes Home Empty Handed
"Don't worry, Francois. I'm still coming to Paris for that climate change conference."
It appears that President Francois Hollande's visit to Washington this week resulted in as much gain as Bibi Netanyahu's visits to see our current president. After the attacks in Paris, Hollande, who had seen the scales drop from his eyes, was determined to organize a grand coalition among France, the US, and that other recently victimized country, Russia, to take out ISIS once and for all. No sooner did he arrive then a wrench was thrown into the plan when Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet. Obama, for his part, patted Hollande on the back and told him that he, well, had his back.
Not only that, but Obama added insult to injury when he announced at their joint press conference that next week he was going to travel to Paris to attend a conference on climate change.
It gets better. In the next breath, Obama added that he could think of no better rebuke to ISIS.
Also revealed was that in the past days, France has taken out ISIS' command and control center (whatever that is) in Syria through their air bombing. Wait a minute! For how long have we been bombing ISIS from the air? And we had yet to achieve that? (Maybe one of the 64 other countries in our coalition was assigned that task.)
Next, Hollande is visiting Angela Merkel (where presumably, he will be pressured to increase the number of refugees allowed into France.) Then he tries his hand with Putin. Ironically, he may get more results with the Russian president. Obama is not interested.
CNN Has Another Situation on its Hands
"We have a situation."
When Bill Clinton was president a lot of people jokingly referred to CNN as the "Clinton News Network". We may have to dust off that old moniker as it has been revealed that one of their correspondents takes her talking points from an aide to Hillary Clinton.
Still think our news media isn't biased?
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

"If only John were here to see it all."
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
"If only John were here to see it all."
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