
Friday, November 14, 2014

More Lunacy in Norway

Hat tip to Norway, Israel and the Jews

This week, 76 years ago today, Germany's Jews were subjected to Reichskristallnacht, whereby synagogues were burned all over the country and Jewish shops were plundered while thousands of Jews were rounded up and thrown into jail.

In Bergen, Norway, the commemoration was marred by a group purported to represent anti-racism, which tried to bar Jews from the commemoration.

There is a special kind of lunacy that has infected Scandinavia. Call it a combination of Jew-hatred, cowardice in the face of a hateful Muslim immigrant minority or whatever. It is almost inexplicable that stupidity of this sort could rear its ugly head during an obervance of Reichskristallnacht.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

This is indeed rich irony, but probably no more so than Protestant Northern Irish bigots who circa 1900 loved to celebrate the American Revolution (to which their Scotch-Irish compatriots made no small contribution) while squelching any bid for equality by their Roman Catholic countrymen, and fighting for the British Crown against efforts to establish a republic in Ireland.

People are strange.

It is also worth noting that oppressed classes and peoples OFTEN turn into vicious oppressors of the next group in their path. This is as old as the Chinese chasing the Hsiung-Nhu out of northeastern Asia, to fall in turn on the Roman Empire after a ride across the steppes. More recently, when France lost a war to Germany in 1870, France assuaged its pride and its purse by brutally establishing an empire in Africa. Jewish nationalists are not above trashing Arabs in a manner roughly analogous to the manner Germans once trashed Jews. That's what nationalism does to people: "[Insert my group here] Uber Alles." Arabs are not better, of course.