
Friday, November 14, 2014

Muslim Prayer at Washington's National Cathedral

Hat tip Breitbart

Today, the Washington National Cathedral is surrendering their venue for Muslim prayers. Make no mistake: This is a symbolic surrender to Islam.

No doubt the prayers will include Sura One from the Koran which refers to those who have incurred the wrath of God (Jews) and those who have lost their way (Christians). Of course, it will be lost on the dumb non-Arabic-speaking Christians.

I don't know what's going on with the Episcopalian Church. It was almost two years ago when the All Saints Episcopal Church of Pasadena hosted MPAC's annual conference and the misguided Pastor Ed Bacon told the audience (I was there.) that the history of Christianity was littered with acts of hate and evil or some such rot. Now this.

Do not expect any reciprocal action by which Christians or Jews are allowed to hold their services in a mosque. That would be considered blasphemous and someone would have to pay with their life. This, on the other hand, is considered an act of "understanding".

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Make no mistake: This is a symbolic surrender to Islam.

What childish nonsense Gary. It is a simple act of good neighborliness.

"Good news mein feuhrer! An American orchestra is performing Wagner's "Der Neibelungen."