
Friday, November 14, 2014

UCLA Honors Angela Davis!!

Hat tip The College Fix

Imagine UCLA setting up banners to honor their prominent alumni.

Jackie Robinson,
Ralph Bunche
Angela Davis

........Angela Davis??!!


Question? Or destroy?

Of course, Angela Davis is now Professor Angela Davis of the UC Santa Cruz (America's Wackiest University) History of Consciousness department.

Don't ask me what it means.

To mention Angela Davis in the same breath as Jackie Robinson and Ralph Bunche is an insult to our country. UCLA should be ashamed.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Angela Davis has degenerated from an effective militant into a quirky philosophy professor (that's why she's at UC-Santa Cruz rather than in a store front office organizing the proletariat), but I don't see why UCLA shouldn't honor her as a distinguished alumna.

elwood p suggins said...

Perhaps because she is among many other undesirable things an extremely radical and at least formerly violent racist, a "commonist", a Black Panther supporter, a Cuba enthusiast, and a murder conspirator (yeah, yeah, I know she was acquitted, but so was O.J., no??), etc., etc., she is in no way distinguished, at least to most. You think??

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Purely subjective elwood. Imagine what expletives and insults I might recite about you, if I didn't recognize that for all your misguided political notions, you would still be a nice neighbor to talk with over the fence and chat about our respective rose gardens. As it happens, the place I'm moving to is next door to a family that has a bumper sticker on their car reading "Democrats Protest War - Republicans Protest Health Care." But still, it could have been your car parked next door. Or, it could have been Mia Love's, if I lived in Utah.

The only thing I have against radicals is that they are not revolutionary. Davis is neither violent nor a racist. I have nothing against communists, I have great respect for many of them, but the theory and framework has proven inadequate to the task for which it was intended. I also have great respect for the Black Panther Party, which is why I am able to thoroughly despise the deluded, ignorant amateurs who call themselves and their BFF's "the new black panther party." There is a lot about Cuba to inspire enthusiasm. They have a better health care system than we do, lower infant mortality, and better early childhood nutrition. Davis was acquitted by an all-white jury of rather apolitical middle class people, because the evidence showed her to be innocent. OJ was a rather different trial. So she was distinguished, although at present I would say the less said about her the better. She just isn't of any great significance.

elwood p suggins said...

I'm misguided?? That's a real laugher. Everybody is out of step except Siarlys.

And I guess he does not recognize the difference between actual/factual guilt and legal guilt. Or that people are found "not guilty", rather than "innocent", for any of a variety of reasons.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yes elwood... but Davis was innocent of the crime charged. I am indeed "out of step" at Fousesquawk. Don't mistake your favorite bubble for the real world.

Gary Fouse said...


I think you would be on more solid ground if you said she was acquitted of the crime charged.