
Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Foley Family Reacts

The family of murdered American journalist James Foley says they learned of their son's death via a phone call from a journalist. They also claim, that the State Department tried to thwart their efforts to raise ransom money to secure his release.

It is unfortunate that the government could not have been the ones to personally inform the family of their son's loss. Sometimes, however, the media gets the word first. Sometimes, bloggers get news before the mainstream media.

As for their efforts to raise ransom money, it is against US law, a law which I support. European nations are spending millions to secure the release of their citizens from these barbarians, which only fuels the growth of a kidnap industry. I don't know what the State Department told the Foleys, but if it had been me, I would have simply told them the law and left it at that. How can you threaten a family with prosecution when one of their own is being held by these animals?

Do I blame the Obama administration for the deaths of Foley and Steven Sotloff? No. I blame the savages who carried out these gruesome acts. Both of these courageous men went to the Middle East of their own will to do a job knowing the risks. That is not to say we should not have tried to rescue them, a mission that failed.

The bottom line is that we and our allies (whoever they happen to be at the moment) have to keep our eyes on the ball and destroy this evil bunch. We may be war weary and inclined to let this part of the world kill each other (That includes me), but we also know they have designs on killing us in our own country. Many of their fighters are carrying US and Western passports. This is not something that should simply be dumped in the laps of our law enforcement agencies when and if these scumbags return.

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