
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Another Wacko Feminist Column on Israel

Hat tip Campus Watch and Legal Insurrection


Professor Nada (Elia) of Antioch University

Talk about grabbing low-hanging fruit. Campus Watch has selected as its "Howler of the Month" a column written for the Palestinian propaganda blog, Electronic Intifada, by a professor appropriately named Nada Elia about how battling Zionism is a feminist issue.

Here it is:

Only a university gender studies professor could write this garbage ignoring the gender violence that massively occurs not only in Gaza but across the Arab world. Loubna Qutami, a Palestinian activist, documented that when she spoke at UC Irvine earlier this year. Just because a couple of Israelis made intemperate statements about raping Palestinian women, the fact is that it is not happening. In fact, one other brain surgeon at some university has made the case that the Israelis are racist because they don't rape Arab women.

I'm not making this up, Cheeta.

And Professor Nada even goes into that "pinkwashing" nonsense claiming that Israel makes gays subject to military service where they will have to kill Palestinians. She, of course, ignores the fact that committing homosexual acts in Gazaland will earn you a death sentence as it will across the Islamic world. No pinkwashing there, Folks.

Professor Nada is typical of the far-left, man-hating academics who staff these gender studies departments. They are nothing but hotbeds of far-left activism, and that includes hating Israel, which goes with the DNA. Gender and feminist studies departments are monsters that any university concerned about its budget and good reputation would be well advised to eliminate.

Which would leave Professor Nada with nada.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

She is firmly embedded in the "one big happy family" school of liberation and protest. I think it reached its apex during one of the semi-annual protests at the International Monetary Fund offices, when every cause under the sun was invited to join (bigger numbers, more impressive news coverage). It was a laundry list. The most representative sign read "United We March" -- what for not specified. Nada's understanding of solidarity is that any cause in the world must be a feminist cause because, because, because "United We March." She needs to read up on her Lenin, particularly "Beware of a Pan-Islamic Movement Masquerading as a National Liberation Front." She should also read up on the fate of the first few Bolshevik-trained feminists who showed up in Samarkand preaching women's equality. (Anna Louise Strong writes about it).