Bret Stephen has an excellent piece in the Wall Street Journal about the kidnap-murder of three Israeli teenagers. I am cross-posting it from the blog, Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers. Its title is, "Where Are the Palestinian Mothers?", which I think is pretty self-explanatory.
The picture above (Elder of Ziyon) pretty much answers the question. That is where they are-raising their children to hate Jews and kill them as soon as they are old enough-even at the cost of their own lives. You will also find them on the streets dancing and passing out candy every time one of these murders occurs.
In addition, Palestinian children are taught the same message in their schools and when they turn on the TV to watch cartoons. They are literally taught that Jews are descendants of apes and pigs-not worthy of life. Is it any wonder these things happen?
And so many gullible and foolish Westerners think that they deserve a state of their own. You cannot build a state around people who have no regard for human life. The Palestinians and their Arab brothers, who use them as pawns but won't absorb them into their own societies, have only themselves to blame for their miserable condition.
Teach a child hate and they will willingly murder their fellow man. A lesson the Nazis knew and used to their advantage.
You've got it backwards Gary... nobody "deserves" a state of their own. Getting anywhere close to peace for Israel REQUIRES that Palestinians have a state of their own.
Incidentally, Israel only exists because of a UN resolution, which ALSO called for a Palestinian state. It wasn't Israel's fault that they didn't get one... it was the fault of two Hashemite monarchies, King Farouk in Egypt, and the Saudis, of course, didn't help the situation any.
Then, after 1948, it was Jordan, not Israel, that occupied the remaining territory of the Former British Mandate of Palestine.
If you want to know about the mothers, read Leon Uris's The Hajj. It is not complementary to the Arabs, but it has so much more depth than the crass propaganda spewed out here. Check out "Ummu Jamil."
When the Palestinians have a state, they will develop other things to do than sacrifice themselves on suicide open up digital businesses and find new markets for their olive oil. The status quo merely breeds another generation of suicide bombers.
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