
Monday, June 2, 2014

Outrage Growing Over Obama-Taliban Prisoner Swap

Gateway Pundit

When I first heard about the prisoner swap with the Taliban involving Bowe Bergdahl, I didn't give it that much thought because I was unaware of Bergdahl's captivity. Initially, I chalked it up to the usual deals between the good guys and the bad guys. The good guys always give up more prisoners simply because we place a greater value on human life than the people we are fighting. The Israelis know that as well. They released more than 1,000 convicted Palestinian terrorists in order to get back one of their own (Gilad Shalit) who had been kidnapped by Hamas from a border checkpoint with Gaza. He had been held for several years as well.

Yesterday, I heard rumblings that Bergdahl had actually been suspected of deserting before he fell into Taliban hands. Today, the outrage is all over the place.

I want to be cautious here because as a veteran who did not serve in combat, I always give deference to those that have. I will respect the legal niceties of referring to Berdahl as an alleged deserter. Today, I listened to Michael Medved interviewing Colonel Ralph Peters (Ret), who is livid about the deal. According to Peters, Bergdahl's former fellow soldiers are also livid, especially over quotes from Susan Rice and others in the White House that Bergdahl is a "hero". According to Peters, at least six soldiers were killed trying to recover Bergdahl. Now we have released 5 top-tier Taliban leaders.

I guess I am still trying to process this, and I am happy for the man's family though not with Bob Bergdahl's public comments about our presence in Afghanistan. If Bergdahl is in fact a deserter, then I don't support his promotions to sergeant, nor would I support an honorable discharge with full benefits. Let's see how this plays out. There must be a full accounting of the circumstances by which he fell into the hands of the Taliban.


Squid said...

The five Taliban who were released without Congressional approval, are being called the Taliban Dream team. The Taliban are already claiming victory with this very poor deal, especially the light that the swap was for a man who walked off station, with only a canteen. His rifle was left behind. There are other factors in this Bergdahl switch and they are not good, but I will wait for reliable sources before judgement.


Gary Fouse said...

Col Ralph Peters is a pretty reliable source.