
Monday, June 2, 2014

Follow-up to the Dalga, Egypt Killing

Hat tip CBN News

This weekend I cross-posted a story on the murder and mutilation of a Coptic Christian man in the southern Egyptian town of Dalga (alternate spelling Delga) in Minya Province. The story was contested by Islamist websites like Loon Watch because an accompanying photo on Maghreb showed a similar murder which was found to have occurred in Lebanon in 2010. Thus, Loon Watch and others used the discrepancy to attack the credibility of the Egyptian story itself.

Subsequent checking confirmed that the photo was, indeed, from a lynching of an Egyptian man in Lebanon in 2010. However, the story itself actually occurred in Dalga, Egypt on August 20, 2013. CBN News has a report, in which the victim's son is interviewed and (graphic) video is shown.

In the above video, the aforementioned photo from Lebanon is not used. You can also note the clearly different dress of the men participating in the acts in both places. Note the prevalence of men in long white robes in Egypt as opposed to those in Lebanon in Western dress.

This particular event in Egypt was reported last year by several other sites subsequent to the occurrence. The fact is also documented that Islamists took over the town of Dalga last year and threatened the Christian minority, which has also been reported on numerous sites including Jihad Watch and NBC News.

Loon Watch, as they do, attacked the photo but failed to report the actual murder to its readers (who wouldn't want to hear the truth anyway).

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