
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Crackdown on the "Technocrats" of Hamas in the West Bank

Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism

In the wake of the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank, Israel is placing the blame on Hamas, who Hillary Clinton has  referred to as "technocrats".

"Nearly all of Hamas's leadership in the West Bank is in custody, including figures like Hassan Yousef, and the chairman of the Palestinian legislative council, Aziz Dwik."

Did you say Aziz Dwik? You mean Aziz Dweik! I remember him. He is the Hamas official that met with the Olive Tree Initiative in 2009, a meeting that caused a bug fuss back at UC Irvine when it finally came out a few months later. (They tried to cover it up.)

But what the Hell. He was only a technocrat.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Israel is being foolish, using a bludgeon when a scalpel is called for.