
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hillary: Hamas "Largely Technocrats"

Hat tip Breitbart

The woman who refused to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group when she was SecState told a Toronto audience that Hamas is made up of "largely technocrats".

Well then, Hillary, why are they designated as a terrorist group? Why not designate them as a "technocrat group" instead?

But let's take a look at some recent history.

Here is a group of technocrats dragging an anti-technocrat through the streets of Gaza.

Here are a group of technocrats in Gaza throwing a member of Fatah off a roof

Gilad Shalid

IDF soldier who was kidnapped by technocrats and held in an office for several years in Gaza.

Here are rockets being launched into the southern Israel town of Sderot by technocrats in Gaza.

Most recently, the technocrats have kidnapped three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank including one that holds dual Israeli-American citizenship.


1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

She said Hamas as an organization are technocrats? Or she said the individuals holding office in the PA are technocrats? There is a difference.