Recently, we have reported on the tactics of intimidation of Students for Justice in Palestine, an anti-Israel student organization that is increasingly resorting to brown shirt tactics in campuses across the nation. In one recent case, we reported on their tactics at Vassar College.
Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, a pro-Israel organization with whom I collaborate vfrom time to time, has issued a statement expressing alarm at the intimidation tactics employed by SJP at Vassar not only against fellow students, but in this case, against faculty.
In another controversy, Northeastern University in Boston, an institution which has tolerated way too much in recent years from these brown shirts, has suspended SJP. Not only do I applaud that action, but I think it is past time for Vassar to take similar action. This type of bullying has no place on any campus. SJP chapters nation-wide need to be put on notice that having a student organization is a privilege and not a right. But it will take administrators with spine to enforce what should be a civilized code of conduct on campus.
Gary, you "collaborate"??? Say it ain't so. That word has such fragrant historical connotations.
Yeah, I know, the social-democratic culture-vulture so-called "left" started using it first, and I laughed at their juvenile ignorance. They might as well have extolled a verb like "Quisling."
As for the Brown Shirt tactics, such mobs never stop until someone stands up to them, not by writing bitter denunciations, but by either running over them, OR, quite often, simply ignoring their caterwauling, where the rubber meets the road. Sometimes when they realize that nobody is listening, they wither up and blow away in the wind. Nobody can retain a sense of righteous indignation forever when they are widely ignored and irrelevant. If they make one last try by direct assault and battery, then they need a few punches to affirm that nobody is afraid of them.
Exactly. Brown shirts is the operative word and bullies need to be stood up to.
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