"The rhetoric of the characters who inspired Breivik, from Pam Geller to Robert Spencer to Daniel Pipes, was so eliminationist in its nature that it was perhaps only a matter of time before someone put words into action."
Earlier today, we reported that the Kansas City shooter, Frazier Glenn Miller aka Cross had quoted anti-Israel activist Max Blumenthal in his postings to racist blogs. We also reported that Blumenthal has sent a tweet out referring to the recent gun attacks on 13 Kansas City area truck drivers as if to somehow "put the shooting yesterday in perspective". As stated, I am sure Mr Blumenthal is horrified by the murders yesterday and must be mortified that Miller has quoted his own writings about Israel influence in the US.
Yet, it was this same Blumenthal who took to his typewriter (or whatever) when the Anders Breivik murders occurred in Norway. Blumenthal was not shy about voicing his opinion as to whom might have given Breivik his inspiration to murder 77 people. He mentioned Robert Spencer, Pam Geller, Fjordman and others. After all, Breivik had quoted them in his manifesto.
I picked up the below piece, written earlier by Blumenthal, from Elder of Ziyon.
Yes, Mr Blumenthal, Breivik, in his manifesto, quoted from Robert Spencer, Pam Geller, Fjordman, and others. He personally knew none of them and had no contact with any of them. They were horrified by what happened. Yet you made the connection. They were Breivik's inspiration.
Now comes Miller and we learn that he has quoted you in your references to Israelis having influence over our government. Are we to assume that it was your writings that inspired Miller to murder three people who he thought were Jews? I have not made that leap.
But as the title says, what goes around comes around. You are looking pretty silly today.
I remember when an old school anti-communist gun-toting couple in rural Pennsylvania named their new-born son Yassir Arafat. They didn't know much about Arafat, except that he didn't seem to get along with Jews.
Yeah, what goes around comes around.
Tell that to all the old-school "right wing conservatives" who admired him for killing Jews, which they couldn't do in America. Are you really too young to remember when conservatives despised Jews, while liberals and socialists loved them?
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