
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thirty Minutes in Ramallah For John Kerry

Hat tip Jerusalem Post and JJ

" No, no  and noYour 30 minutes is up."

John Heinz Kerry, still searching for the Holy Grail and that Nobel Peace Prize, had a 30-minute audience with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and came away empty-handed. Apparently, a snowstorm cut short his visit to Ramallah.

So one wonders just what concessions the Palestinians are prepared to give for peace. It seems only the Israelis are expected to make concessions. One also wonders when Kerry will wake up and realize he is tilting at windmills.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

First time I've heard you refer to Netanyahu as a windmill. (You did imply that Kerry is tilting more at Bibi than at anyone else in the region, didn't you?)