
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

John Kerry Gets Nothing From PA: Demands All From Israel

Hat tip Jerusalem Post and JJ

While John Kerry gets nothing in the way of concessions from the Palestinians, he demands everything from Israel. Kerry's prescription for a peace deal is a recipe for national suicide for Israel. read Carolyn Glick's report in the Jerusalem Post. It is highly disturbing.

As long as Barack Obama is in office and John Kerry running around the Middle East like a chicken with his head cut off, Israel would be wise to stand firm. They are dealing with an administration that views the very existence of Israel as an impediment to harmonious relations with the barbarians who inhabit the remainder of the Middle East.

What was it Neville Chamberlain said about the Czechs "being a people so far away of whom we knew so very little?" (Or care) Was that how it went?


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I don't recall ever reading that the Czechs displaced anyone en masse from their homes, within their own borders or in any neighboring country. They didn't do that even to the Sudeten Germans (until after WW II), which is what made Goebbels's propaganda so horrifically mendacious. While there are many falsehoods in propaganda against Israel, unfortunately, Israeli policy has provided more than a few truths that the PA finds convenient to publicize.

Gary Fouse said...


Were you country of 15 million about the size of New Jersey surrounded by 300 million Arabs determined to destroy you, and who had already attacked you in wars followed by countless acts of terrorism, you might engage in a few policies that ruffled feathers too.

I presume you would have advised Davy Crockett not to fire at the attacking forces of General Santa Ana's army.

Squid said...

There is nothing to trust when it comes to the Obama administration. Obama and his administration have been proven liars, as well as inept at foreign relations. They cannot be trusted to follow-up on promises. John (Swift-Boat) Kerry is a lightweight when it comes to executing his responsibilities.
Israelis know that Islamists have conducted 22,000 terrorist attacks on the globe, including Israel, EU and the U.S. since 911. Giving up land, such as Gaza, only increased the terror attacks on Israel. Why should they trust the P.A. which is currently joining with Gaza.


Miggie said...

After losing Egypt and going wobbly on Syria and Iran, the Obama administration gets tough with its only ally in the area, Israel!

This is the worst administration, in every dimension, that we will EVER have. Future generations will be able to say, "At least it is not as bad as the Obama administration was."

Findalis said...

Again Siarlys cries the lie that the Fakistanians were displaced. They were told by their "leaders" to leave the land and when they returned they would get Jewish gold, Jewish land and Jewish women. And they left. They were not forced off the land. Check your facts instead of spouting anti-Semitic rants.