New York politician Charles Barron is one of those who are blaming others for the wave of "knockout" attacks directed at whites and Jews in Eastern cities. Frontpage Magazine is running this CBS news report:
It must be added here that Barron is a racist and anti-Semitic radical who once traveled with George Galloway's band of scallywags to Gaza as part of a Viva Palestina convey taking supplies and money to Hamas.
"The American delegation" in Gaza: Barron is standing over Galloway's right shoulder. Cynthia McKinney is standing to Galloway's left.
As for the "knockout" phenomena itself, this must be called for what it is, acts of hate directed to whites in general and Jews in particular. Instead of making excuses for it, black leaders should be coming together to condemn it and organize within their communities to somehow bring an end to it. There was a time in history, particularly in the South, when blacks were the victims of random or planned assaults and killings. It was wrong then, and it is wrong now. Perhaps, this will be a time when blacks can examine their own prejudices. Is it not time for the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, President Obama and Eric Holder to step up and take strong public stands backed up by actions to confront this evil? I am not exactly holding my breath. As usual, it will be left to the Larry Elders of the country to take the strong moral stand (as he is doing).
Charles Barron? Never in a million years. By his own words he would rather knock out (at least slap) some white person himself. Charles Barron is a thug defending thuggery.
Don't mistake thuggery for racism. Thugs use whatever they have as cover, including race, and almost any "other" will do as a victim. But there are no organized lodges (claiming the highest elected officials as members) pulling off these knockouts, nor is an entire race of people likely to be subjugated. If it weren't being called "knockout" it would be called something else.
These "youths" need fathers more than they need jobs. A large percentage of criminals, if the ones that are in prisons are indicative, come from single mother, grandmother, home.
That is the consequence of decades of the "Great Society" were women were paid for the number of children in the home PROVIDED there was no man living there. So they, and now their children, learn the rules in society in the streets. They eventually learn what the rules are from the guards in prison.
I'm describing this in generalities and certainly there are exceptions but this is the general situation in the black community.
The liberals gave them a devastating negative incentive with the Great Society. Now we are many decades and trillions of dollars later with the same number of poor blacks percentage wise and in actual numbers and a culture that has too many violent and antisocial young people.
Thanks again, liberals, for your stupidity and continuing lack of interest in probable consequences.
Antisemitism flourishes in these kinds of environments that seek someone to blame for their problems.
Very well stated, Miggie. What other explanation is there for the fact that in the worst days of Jim Crow, black illegitimate births were about 25% and are 70% now?
Larry Elder, a conservative black radio talk show host in LA understands the problem very well.
Actually Miggie, most of that took root in the 1940s and 1950s, it just took a while to manifest the results. Maybe we could decouple the connection between welfare payments and no man in the house?
In Brooklyn Siarlys it is called "Hit the Jew". I guess that isn't racism in your book (Or Eric Holder's). It is in my book though.
What's called "Hit the Jew?" Conditioning welfare payments on making sure there's no man in the house?
When were you last in Brooklyn anyway. What's it called in Chicago?
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