
Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Great Literature" at Cal State Long Beach

Hat tip Campus Reform

If any of you readers have kids going to Cal State Long Beach University, you might want to check out their book bag. Here is an example of what one comparative literature professor is assigning his students.

"Knowledge is power"


AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for sharing, Gary. Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

Gary Fouse said...

And to you, too Donald. Looks like you have your hands full there too.

Squid said...

The Cal State L.B. listing of courses should have labeled this "Comparative Literature" course as "Comparative Trash" taught by a noted Professor of trash. I cannot believe that students pay good money for garbage at a state university. I would demand my money back.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

If the students are going to vote on which texts to require themselves to read, what are we paying the professor for? Replace him with a blog that will automatically tally the votes and announce the results.

Miggie said...

Good grief! What's happened to our universities? We have morons teaching illiterates. When and how did this happen?

Gary Fouse said...

I trace it back to the 1960s when students spent more time protesting than studying. Guess who is running our universities now?

Findalis said...

You get what you pay for.