
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kwame Kilpatrick and Detroit

Kwame Kilpatrick, the former mayor of Detroit, has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for corruption.

I applaud this sentence, and I hope that Kilpatrick serves every day of it as a lesson that there are few things worse than official corruption.

I have no negative information about Detroit's current mayor, Dave Bing, but I think an important point has to be made here.

We all know that Detroit, once one of America's largest and greatest cities, has degenerated into a ruin, almost a ghost town, if you will. There are many reasons for this aside from the corruption of Kilpatrick. A major point, however, is that when you look at the Democratic machines that run so many of America's major cities, you wonder why the voters never hold them accountable. In addition, in cities like Detroit, which are predominantly African-American, you have to question why African-American voters almost unquestionably give their votes to the Democratic party. Take away the names Democrat or Republican, and the fact is that one-party rule leads to abuse of power and corruption.

Detroit has been run by Democrats since the 1960s. What does the city have  to show for it?


Miggie said...

Black or white, the failing cities have a common thread. They have all been in control of Democrats for decades. There are California cities that are bankrupt. Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, others are well on the road.

States were saved and turned around when they elected Republican governors in 2010. Kasik, Walker, Christie are a few. Perry and Texas are doing just fine.

There is a correlation between Democratic Party control and profligate spending that eventually leads to ruin. It is on the surface but hidden by the media.

Just sayin....

elwood p suggins said...

This being Federal time, will he not get to do something like 85% of it with no possibility of parole??

And was it his wife or mother (I can't specifically recall, and it is not worth digging out)who was I believe a city official who also fell from grace for corruption and got a little time to do?? I may be wrong, but I believe not.

Gary Fouse said...

You are referring to the wife of John Conyers.

elwood p suggins said...

Ah yes, my bad, had some brain flatulence and should have checked it out. His wife was apparently just involved in a little bit of shady stuff financially and was never indicted, arrested, charged, or tried for any of it.

Miggie said...

It is just ah, suspicious that she lived such a grand life style on $41,000 income in complete innocence.
See story and comments here:

elwood p suggins said...

By my math, that left her less than $10K annually for all other living expenses.
She must be a very frugal lady or else she had/has a little "stash". Maybe it came from the $175K grant she/they got for her company where she was the only employee.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

when you look at the Democratic machines that run so many of America's major cities, you wonder why the voters never hold them accountable...

Perhaps because on the whole, those machines are performing rather well...

Miggie, you poor deluded soul, sitting on your mountaintop in LaLa Land... Scott Walker promised 250,000 jobs, and had yet to deliver on ten percent of that promise.

Yes elwood, in the federal system the most you can get off for good behavior is 15 percent. That motivates prisoners with long sentences to flagrantly disobey officers in charge, because the only incentive to be cooperative is that after 10 years of kissing butt, they might get 18 months off their sentence. Some would rather do the whole ten, and do it their own way.

Gary Fouse said...

"when you look at the Democratic machines that run so many of America's major cities, you wonder why the voters never hold them accountable...

Perhaps because on the whole, those machines are performing rather well..."

Yes! Detroit, New Orleans, Philadelphia, LA, SF,Chicago, Cleveland, Oakland, Milwaukee, Boston, Wash DC, the list goes on and on.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Most of those cities, citizens are reasonably satisfied, and certainly not yearning for the kind of leadership the Republicans have to offer. They may squabble over which kind of Democrat they want.

New Orleans, of course, is a mess and a half no matter who runs it.

Detroit was built up from a small town to a major industrial metropolis by a single industry, which recruited people from all over the country to come work there... then abandoned them and moved to Guatemala.

Even a Republican couldn't run a city on no revenue. Republicans can only do that at the national level, by borrowing the money from the Bank of China to finance tax cuts for the people who closed down plants and put Americans out of work.

Oh ye suckers...

Gary Fouse said...


I admire your ability to explain anything away. Jay Carney has nothing on you.