The government has had three years to get this website prepared so all you UC Santa Cruz Community Studies and History of Consciousness majors could sign up for ObamaCare, and here (at a cost of $643 million) is the result:
"Your password must have at least 45 characters, at least five capital letters, six numbers, and two
"Secret question: What was your mother's first boy-friend's middle name?"
Once you get passed the registration process (above), here is how it will work:
Don't adjust your screen. The letters are fuzzy by design.
Just follow the yellow brick road to AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE1.
And say hello to the Wizard of Oz when you finally get there.
Seriously, do you really think the government is going to get this right?
This digital program was never meant to work. Failure is the plan as Sen. Reid implied when he mentioned that ACA failure would lead to a one-payer medical plan. This is ultimate control of Americans, as the IRS and most all of the Big Government operations in ACA have all their confidential data. Like Communism was designed to control its population with food, necessities and medical care manipulation, Obamacare serves the same purpose. Who would think that Americans would be charged a fine (tax) for not being able to access a defunct digital sign-up. This is tyranny! BTW, a tax is the responsibility of the House, not the Senate, were ACA started. Why the Supremes OKed this is a big question, or tyranny.
Aside from the incompetence the law should be repealed on the merits. The lack of adequate planning, the enormous cost, the politically favored selective groups to implement the various aspects, and years of uncertainty are only what we can logically anticipate.
There is no way you can increase benefits and increase the number of people enrolled without increasing the number of doctors and hospitals without increasing the cost of healthcare dramatically. That's the math.
I doubt if you can do it even if you force people to buy insurance. Like all such programs the people don't want, they will find some way around it... by underground, by black market, by leaving, or some other way.
This is even if the enrollment system were perfect. Everything medical will be more expensive because it will be scarce.
Waiting times to even see doctors will be increased dramatically, especially specialists. Service will go down in hospitals and other medical facilities because of the high demand for free service. With this gloat of demand, there is no competition because of the absence of any attempt to do better than any competitor.
There are more unintended consequences. An incredibility expensive, over budget, implementation of the enrollment is only the beginning... look forward to disclosures of more incompetence, payments to cronies, fraud and corruption over time.
Look forward of decades of disputes and votes on what should be covered (and paid for by someone else).
Lenin has recently been quoted to the effect that socialized/nationalized health care is a primary initial key step enroute to a successful socialist state. Looks to me like that is where we are headed.
Oh, I hope so elwood, I really do... but I doubt it. The web site is a total mess. I've already had to file a written appeal of a computerized decision (no human being involved) that I should be on Medicaid, when I know darn well that having no dependents, my income is enough that I should be paying a premium.
I suspect that programmers include a team of Republicans trained to sabotage the process, because we NEED IT TO WORK. The program is a useful step forward, if not exactly what I would have chosen. We just need the web site working, or better yet, a shift to written applications.
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