
Friday, October 11, 2013

Thank God For the Pilot's Union

According to the US Airways Pilot's Union, there have been suspected dry runs by terrorists on US flights in recent days. Read the below article and see what jumps out at you.

The question that jumps out at me is why we have to depend on the pilots union of US Air to warn us of this possible development.

Where the Hell is DHS and its (withered) arm, TSA? As usual, they seem to be bringing up the rear as they rely on the FBI ( to catch terrorists) and passengers themselves (Underwear Bomber) to ensure that the system "works perfectly" while they (TSA) are searching the shoes of old women in wheelchairs and working to get the Dream Act passed.

Ain't that right, Big Sis? Oh, I forgot. She's running the University of California now.

Well, at any rate, we can sleep well now because the pilots union of one US airline is keeping on eye on things for us.


Miggie said...

When the government, for ideological reasons, fails to protect its citizens, then the citizens are forced protect themselves.

This administration simply refuses to see who our real enemies are. They refuse to name them much less actually fight them.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Oh you can't scare me,
I'm sticking to the union...