
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

John McCain's Arrogance

Hat tip Atlas Shrugs

As much respect as I have for John McCain the military veteran, as a senator, I have lost pretty much all my respect for him as he tries to drag America into the Syrian conflict. In this Fox News interview below, he debates the cry of "Allahu Akhbar" with his interviewers.

McCain may be right over the term, "Allahu Akhbar" as it pertains to a phase used by all Muslims and it may be defensible for the example used in this clip where a Syrian fighter jet is shot down. Too bad the interviewers didn't use the clips of captive soldiers being executed to he same cries, or the clip of the three truck drivers being shot, or the clip of the two adolescent boys being executed-to the same cries-all of which I have posted.

John McCain has become an arrogant and condescending man who has little respect for those who dare disagree with him. Now he is dragging this country into yet another Middle Eastern war that we don't want. It is time for him to retire and go back to Arizona.


Squid said...

As I read this blog, Progressive and Obama puppet, Sen. Menendez is pushing for an attack on Syria, without any idea what a new war will do to the U.S.
No one else, but France is in on this misguided mission.
I agree that McCain needs to retire and the Senate needs to think about the much broader consequences of a new war in the Midlle East. Swift Boater Kerry, who embraced Assad in the recent past, now beckons to Obama's backside and his leading from the behind. Too bad. Sgt. Hagel does not have a clue, as he sits speechless at the Capitol Hill hearing.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Your closing paragraph has been true for 20 or 30 years. Glad you noticed.

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