What would Reagan do?
What could be more heart-warming than this story? Family outing at the local swimming pool. A female family member is injured. Medics are called. They arrive, treat the woman, and the family is grateful, right?
Well, not quite. Here is what happened last month at the Berlin-Neukoelln swimming pool. Daily Caller has the "heartwarming story".
Moral to the story? Don't call 911.
1 comment:
If they "don't want to integrate" they must want to take over the country or some part of it.
Ingratitude is one of the worst features a person or a people can have. They came from some shithole country in the Middle East and were allowed into Germany... and this is how they express their gratitude.
Something is fundamentally wrong with their belief system. It is tribal and ancient.
Where are the "moderate" ones? I am hard pressed to name more than a few.
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