
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

9,000 Potential Tsarnaevs in Germany

Hat tip Politically Incorrect (DE)

If you think we are the only country stupid enough to import so-called Chechen refugees so they can terrorize us here at home, say hello to Germany. The English-language German blog Politically Incorrect quotes a report from Die Welt on the situation there. In the first 7 months of this year, 9,000 Chechen asylum seekers have arrived in Germany. Aside from the Mafia-types, they estimate some 200 are terrorists engaged in recruiting more to go and fight the jihad  back in their homeland.

Good to know the Europeans are just as crazy as we are.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary! They're refugees from Russian tyranny! From Putin, the KGB man! How could any right-thinking anti-communist lover of freedom turn them down? The CIA backed jihadis for decades to stick it to the communists! We can't turn them down now!

(insert Emoticon with tongue in cheek here)

Gary Fouse said...


I don't care what Putin does to them. After the Beslan slaughter, the movie theater and everything else, I am pulling for the Red Army.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Would that there was one.