"What did you learn in Math class today, Timmy?"
As previously reported here, the AMCHA Initiative is a group established to counter anti-Semitism on California college campuses. They have made several complaints against Cal State Northridge math professor David Klein charging that he has used his position and university resources to conduct a personal campaign against Israel. In this latest letter to CSUN president Dianne Harrison, AMCHA charges that Klein has used his position, a CSUN-hosted webpage, and his university e-mail account to attack AMCHA president Tammi Rossman-Benjamin and push for a favored political candidate.
"Prof. Klein has also included on his CSUN website links to two defamatory articles about one
of us (Tammi Rossman-Benjamin), in which Rossman-Benjamin is accused of being a fascist, a Nazi sympathizer, and a "junk academic."
"On August 10, Prof. Klein used his CSUN email address to send an email (forwarded below) promoting apro-BDS candidate running for U.S. Congress to members of the list serve of the Campaign to End Israel Apartheid - Southern California (CEIA-SC), an organization with which Prof. Klein is closely affiliated. (As one can see from the organization's website, CEIA-SC promotes the boycott of Israel as a means of eliminating the Jewish state)".
As I have said before, Klein is free to get up on his soapbox and say whatever he likes as part of his 1st Amendment rights. However, when he uses his university's web server to spout his beliefs, it implies that CSUN is giving its imprimatur to his statements and political ads.
That seems to me as simple as 2+2= 4. Unless, of course, you are CSUN math professor David Klein.
I'm a bit more worried about foreign Israeli/Jewish indoctrination of America's colleges:
Talk about a Fifth Column.
It is good to hear that somebody can get a positive word in about Israel on a college campus. Pretty hard to do when you are up against student bullies and boffo professors that push the Palestinian agenda which reigns supreme on campus.
I also note that the same critics of Israel usually have a lot of harsh things to say about the US when they come to speak on campus. In fact, it is a constant pattern.
So who is the 5th column?
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