"Once upon a time, there was an evil tea party..."
Good old Harry Reid is back in the news. When Harry takes to the Senate floor, his speaking style reminds you of an old woman reading a faiy tale to a child in bed. This time it's comparing the tea party to some anarchists between the two world wars. Of course, Harry has nothing to say about the true anarchists-the Occupy movement.
Democrats are such fools. The way to discredit the Tea Party is to show up at their rallies in top hats marked 10/6, let loose a few white rabbits, dump a dormouse or two into the tea pot, and chant "The Lobster Quadrille" in unison. Maybe dance it too.
I recall in 1968 George Wallace was always able to dismiss his critics with a few references to S-O-A-P and W-O-R-K, until a band deliberately dressed and groomed as the scruffiest hippies imaginable showed up at a rally chanting "We want Wallace!" He totally lost his cool over that. Didn't know what to say.
And then the guy showed up at the rally and shot him. That did the trick, did it not?
It is my opinion that Reid's dangerous statements about a group, voicing their opinion, is dangerous to our Republic anf Constitution. It leads to the inabiling of the IRS to target the Tea Party and other conservative groups. With the POTUS announcing the "punish the enemy" aftet the 2010 House take over by the Republicans, only reinforces this unconstitutional stance. In a report, just a day ago, the IRS is still targeting the Tea Party, three months after the being exposed.
Ask the question: Who are the real evil ones?
Chill out, Squid.
Gary, are you advocating political assassination? If so, you should think about that very carefully.
P.S. Wallace was shot in 1972. I was talking about the 1968 campaign.
'Gary, are you advocating political assassination?'
Of course not.
Good. Glad to have that clarified.
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