Hat tip Jihad Watch
Chuck Bednarik (60) of the Eagles KOs Kathie Lee Gifford's future husband at Yankee Stadium in 1960
(Bednarik was "an enemy of the Eagles.")
Jihad Watch has linked this article in which State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki has called the terror bombings over the weekend in Iraq that killed 61 people an act by "enemies of Islam".
The real question is whether the attacks were carried out by enemies of the Shia or enemies of the Sunnis. Once you answer that question then you know who the bombers were. The bombings also marked the end of Ramadan (Eid al Fitr), the bloodiest period of Ramadan in years.
So Ms Psaki's pathetic diplomatic words do not wash. Nor do they gain us favor anywhere as they are simply viewed as more evidence of our weakness.
"Jen Psaki has called the terror bombings over the weekend in Iraq that killed 61 people an act by "enemies of Islam"."
Yah! Just like the Fort Hood shooter jihad murders was an act of "work place violence".
It all points out the richness of the English language, would you not agree?
The administration is simply unable to say the obvious truth. Extremist Islam is at War with us.
Obama may want to get around that unpleasant fact but it remains a fact. The longer they twist themselves into a pretzel to accommodate extremist Islamists (of all types) the more we are infiltrated and the harder it will be to deal with them in the future.
Very well stated , Miggie
Miggie has it backwards. Our president's job is to make sure that the jihadis don't get to speak for all of Islam. Its a lot easier to fight tens of thousands, or a few hundreds of thousands, than it is to fight a billion plus people. I know, Miggie would like an opportunity to annihilate all billion of them, but they would not go gentle into that good night. We've dealt with Roman Catholic authoritarianism, and most Catholics lived to be good American citizens. We can deal with Islam.
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