
Monday, June 10, 2013

Let's Play, "What the Hell Happened Today in Iraq?" (June 10, 2013)

"Here are the choices:"

a Mission accomplished
b Jewish suicide bombers destroyed the presidential palace
c Coptic Christians burned down a Catholic cathedral
d Car bombs went off in the city of Mosul killing at least 11.

"Can I call a friend?"

"Sure. Who do you want to call?"

"James Clapper. He's the head of National Intelligence at the White House."


"Hey Jim. What the Hell happened today in Iraq?'

"Hell if I know, but I can find out in a jiffy. Let me pull up Fousesquawk."

(10 second pause)

"Listen. I'm not sure, but the algorithms indicate that 90% of the time, Fousesquawk uses 'd' for the correct answer. So you better go with 'd'"

Thanks." (click) I'll go with 'd', Bob."

"And you are absolutely right!"

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