
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Did James Clapper Lie to the Senate About the NSA Program?

"Not wittingly"

That's what James Clapper told the Senate in answer to a question by Ron Wyden (D-OR) back in March. (The below article incorrectly says Wyden is a Republican. Wittingly or unwittingly, Wyden is a Democrat.)

December 7, 1941: The Japanese               June 6, 1944. The Allies "unwittingly" invade Normandy.
"unwittingly" attack Pearl Harbor                 "Hey, Joe! Are you sure this is Norway?"

And it gets even worse (Hat tip Hot Air)

When it comes to Clapper, that may be as close to the truth as we are liable to get. Seems this guy is the last to know about everything. Remember when the Director of National Intelligence learned about a roundup of terrorists in London from that noted intelligence source, Diane Sawyer?

Be that as it may, it is quite troubling when the Director of National Intelligence tells us (under oath) that NSA would never have collected such data "wittingly". Yet, since the revelations about NSA's gathering of tens of millions of e-mails and internet records, Clapper has been staunchly defending the actions that NSA "unwittingly" carried out.

Somebody help me out here. I am sure Siarlys Jenkins has a reasonable explanation for all this.**

**Siarlys Jenkins-a mythical bus driver in Milwaukee who is the successor to Ask Jeeves.


Findalis said...

Don't you know there is a good explanation for all this:

It is Bush's fault and you're a RACIST for thinking otherwise.

Problem solved.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I wouldn't have answered the questions until they had something more coherent. Then I would take a week looking into it. Then I'd lay all the cards on the table. Unfortunately, they seem to think that if someone asks a pointed question, they must give an off-the-cuff pointed answer. That's rather sad.