
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Jihad in Spain

Hat tip Vlad Tepes

This video is of a Spanish news broadcast with English sub-titles and shows the recent arrests of five Tunisians in Barcelona.

Just reporting the news, Messers Killian and Moore.*

*I am referring to Bill Killian, the US Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and FBI head in Knoxville, Ken Moore, who apparently want to prosecute people for hate speech if they say they wrong things about you-know-who.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Has Killian been threatening to arrest people for reporting the news? I thought he was investigating whether civil rights were violated by a public call for members of a certain religion to be shot on sight by anyone who felt like it.

At least that's the impression I got from Fousesquawk and sites Gary links to. Weren't you paying attention?