Cheryl Mills is someone with quite a resume, at least if you keep track of Clinton scandals, that is. In the below posting by Daily Caller, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton recounts how Mills was instrumental in helping President Bill Clinton through his White House scandals and impeachment proceedings. Mills also came to light again as Dept of State chief-of-staff under Hillary Clinton when she reportedly instructed Greg Hicks not to cooperate with Congress in the Benghazi investigation.
Now Mills has surfaced again in the latest DOS collection of scandals during the Clinton reign. She reportedly put the squash on more than one internal investigation involving State Department ambassadors. (Hat tip Commentary Magazine and Breitbart)
As for the allegations regarding Howard Gutman, who has now been identified as the "roving" ambassador in search of prostitutes, I am withholding judgement on the charges since he is denying them. However, this is not the first time Gutman has "graced' the pages of Fousesquawk.
One other fact should be kept in mind when it comes to these latest charges against the State Department. They are not from anonymous sources. They come from Aurelia Fedenisn, a former investigator for the State Department's Inspector General Office, who has put her name behind the accusations, which she made to CBS News. Furthermore, CBS has obtained a State Dept. memo that appears to support the accusations.
God only knows what White House office Cheryl Mills would occupy if Hillary Clinton becomes president.
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