Global warming may be a threat to the human race, but it hasn't been a threat to greenhouse gas-bag Al Gore. He has used GW to win an Oscar, a Nobel prize and hundreds of millions of dollars. The only thing left fore Al now is Dancing With the Stars. Now he compares the threat of GW to WW2. Watch this 3-minute exerpt from his talk in Rhode Island (no mention of how much he got paid to make this speech).
If I understand Big Al right, he wants to impose that carbon tax and turn all our industry into green projects, you know, like Solyndra and that solar tower in Tonopah, Nevada that provided a lot of jobs for Spanish workers. We also need to marshal our people to show the same resolve we did during WW2 because the threat is just as great.

Did I get that right, Al?
Obviously, Gore never gets the memo. Global Warming is dead. Even the far left NYT concedes that there is no longer a raise in global temperatures. Gore must heve missed his daily paper as well. To think that this clown was a "chad" away from being the U.S. President.
Then again it could be. I can foresee Gore and company putting everyone who uses too much Carbon in a camp. Really bad violators would be gassed and cremated.
Yes it could become just like WW2 very easily.
Squid, who cares what the far left has to say? The hazard is real. The data is still coming in steadily. If the far left found an ideological reason to stop paying attention, we are no less in for a long hot millenium or five.
Ever read about how the Communist Party changes its line after the Hitler Stalin Pact? Did that make Hitler go away, or did it make him less dangerous?
Never thought I'd see you tagging after the Party Line, no matter how convenient you found it to be.
(Please Findalis, your anxiety closet is so macabre it becomes amusing. Cremation would release CO2 into the atmosphere.)
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