
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Here Come the Syrians

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

It was just a matter of time before the Obama administration would start bringing in Syrian refugees.,0,6484601.story

It all makes perfect sense, does it not? First it was the Marielitos from Castro's prisons under Jimmy Carter. Then it was the Somalis in the 1990s. Both have done nothing to contribute to this country other than raise the crime rate. Ever heard of the Russian Mafia? We helped bring them in too. In addition, we already have some 11 million people in this country illegally. Now we are considering bringing in refugees from Syria. Considering that many of the Syrian fighters on the "good side" are al Qaeda types, that really makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? Here is a sample of what we may be importing to America:

One could make a case that since we invaded Iraq, we owed it to some folks to offer refuge. That argument does not hold water in the case of Syria. I could see giving refuge to Syrian Christians who are actually fleeing for their lives, not because they are Christians per se, but because they are under genuine threat and would not pose a terror risk in this country. Unfortunately, with this administration, they will probably be the last ones offered asylum. Instead, we will get the next wave of jihadists and "honour killers".


Findalis said...

Leave the Syrian refugees exactly where they are. When the war is over, and it will be one day, they can then return to Syria. We cannot afford to give these freeloaders any welfare.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

And your basis for saying that is...