
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Let's Play, "What the Hell Happened Today in Afghanistan?" (June 11, 2013)

Hat tip Soundsnap

"Here are the choices:"

a  Air France announced non-stop flights between Paris and Kabul
b  A new ski resort was opened in Tora Bora
c  A suicide bomber deliberately blew himself up outside the Supreme Court building killing 17 people
d  A suicide bomber unwittingly blew himself up outside the Supreme Court building killing 17 people

"Can I call a friend?"

Yes. Who do you want to kill, er call?"

"James Clapper at the White House. He's the head of national intelligence."


"Can I speak to Clapper?"

"I think you got the wrong number."

"Is this the White House?"

"Yeah, but this is the crapper."

"I'm looking for Clapper."

"Oh, he just walked in. It's for you."

"Clapper speaking."

"Hey Jim. What the Hell happened today in Afghanistan?"

"Oh, ah......'s gotta be 'd'". Besides, our NSA intercepts say Fousesquawk almost always chooses "d'".

"OK, Thanks. (click). I'll go with 'd', Bob."

"Ohhhh. Sorry. The answer is is 'c'"

In other news this week, there was another green-on-blue attack in Afghanistan this week. An Afghan soldier killed four NATO troops including three Americans. 2014 can't come soon enough.


Miggie said...

Didn't Obama campaign on the premise that Iraq (where we were making progress) was mistaken but the REAL war was in Afghanistan?

It has been one disaster after another. He did not give the commanders in the field the manpower they requested and then he announced the withdrawal date. What could be more stupid? I guess it made sense when you kick around the question in the teacher's lounge or among your yes-men cronies but in war or diplomacy, it doesn't work like that.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Newsflash: Fousesquawk endorses an Obama administration initiative!

(Miggie: You know what that was all about:

>1. We had good cause to launch an operation in Afghanistan -- only we should have gotten out after six months of kicking butt.

>2. The liberal media were all proclaiming that Obama had to show some tough foreign policy cred or lose to McCain. That was probably paranoid hogwash, but he bought it, and Afghanistan was the lead unjustified war going on.