Below is what happened to Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach over the weekend because he is against amnesty for illegal aliens.
This is intimidation, pure and simple.
Miggie, everyone who doesn't see things your way is not a liberal. Among those who don't agree with you, or each other, are liberals, radicals, socialists, communists, anarchists, nihilists... and I'll grant you, although you are a vicious capitalist thug, by your own description of what you are most proud of in your life, fascists also go on the list of those who don't agree with you, or with any of the others on the list.
I would, very tentatively, characterize this group as nationalist nihilists, but certainly not liberals.
As for the police taking 15 minutes to show up, I hardly see how anyone could expect police to show up in sufficient force to deal with an unexpected mob of 200 people in less than 15 minutes. There are only so many of them. That is one reason its not a bad idea to be armed.
Those are a lazy bunch of bums. Arriving by bus? In the old days, we would have marched all the way there. Tends to sort out the brats who are just looking for excitement.
Again I ask-is that a defense? I don't know what you union types did in the old days, but bussing them in sounds like a modern day union tactic to me. A lot of young people who go to these things get recruited and hardly know what they demonstrating for.
Gary--I would change "hardly" to "don't".
I call them lazy bums, and you ask me if that is a defense?
Generally I have picketed places of business. I do remember once picketing the circular drive of a high-rise luxury building which included the penthouse of the owner of a supermarket chain called LIBERALS (you oughtta approve of that) which was, believe it or not, refusing to remove non-union grapes and Gallo wine from the shelves.
That was borderline, but it was not over-running someone's yard, front porch, etc., we certainly didn't walk into the lobby, and we didn't make any threats. We walked around in circles carrying signs saying he only cared about dollars, which he probably took as a compliment.
Yeah, generally I'd say people's homes are off limits, but if you have to make a point, if the idea is that they are smugly avoiding the pressure while expecting their employees to take the brunt of it, do it with some respect for the neighborhood, children are totally off limits, and it shows a bit of commitment to walk there yourself.
Showing up in buses? Pitiful.
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