"Your shoes are fantastic, Francois."
"So are yours, Jean."
According to a report in Le Figaro, US Special Forces are training Syrian rebels in Jordan.
For those of you who don't read French (like me and John Kerry), here is a report in English from the Times of London:
In some respects, this can be defended since the regime of Bashar Assad is killing its own people in a frenzy. It would also represent a defeat for Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon, both of whom are allied with the Syrian regime. On the other hand, we have the experience of Libya. Do we really have a handle on whom we are supporting here? Or will we see another Islamic regime take over with elements who will turn those weapons on us? We know that some of the fighters are tied into Al Qaeda.
The Middle East is a boiling cauldron with all kinds of fractions, tribes and religious sects killing each other. How deeply do we want to get involved in this trying to find governments that will be friendly to us? In the end, I think it is a fool's errand.
I guess that's why John Kerry is now running around over there.
It is as if children were running our foreign policy. Don't they recall what happened with all the Taliban we trained to fight the Russians.
We are at the mercy of events and in control of nothing. Where once, not that long ago, we were a force for good in the world, now we are observers.
Even the French (!) have had some military success in Mali when we were too confused as to what we should do, so we did nothing. Now we are helping the French with supplies and transportation but even so, we are now followers rather than leaders in the world.
Hagel and Kerry will be useless to help Obama, who is in so far over his head that he doesn't know what to do even when our consulate is attacked.
Obama's vow to bring the attackers of our consulate in Bengahzi is like OJ Simpson's vow to find the person who murdered Nicole Simpson and Ron Perlman.
SOMEBODY better train the native Syrians who are not jihadists. You know what happens when a battle-hardened well-armed jihadist outfit marches into town, and nobody else knows how to maintain a skirmish line?
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