Tyrone Woods
Lars Larson is a conservative radio talk show host in Portland, Oregon. Today, I watched him being interviewed on Megyn Kelly's Fox News show regarding his radio conversation with the father of one of the victims of the Benghazi attack. Here is the audio of Larson's conservation with Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods. In this discussion, Mr Woods describes his experience of speaking with President Obama and Hillary Clinton when his son's coffin came home to Andrews Air Force Base. It is highly disturbing.
What is especially outrageous is Clinton's purported comment to Mr Woods that "they were going to arrest and prosecute the person who did that video." At that time, they knew that it was an organized terrorist attack. It was part of the Big Lie.
And why is it that someone from the government telephoned Mr Woods at 6 in the morning to tell him the news? In 1977, when I was stationed in Bangkok with DEA, I was present when a fellow agent was killed by an accidental discharge of his gun. Somebody in DEA Hqs in Washington did the same thing-a call to the parents' home in the early hours of the morning. The agent who made that call, while he wasn't fired, saw his career die that day. He was a decent man and regretted his error in judgment the rest of his life.
Now we need to find out why our military was not sent in to Benghazi to attempt a rescue. Surely, the military was chomping at the bit to go in. Why were they not sent.
Last night, I watched this poseur (Obama) schmoozing with Jay Leno in front of a cheering crowd. It made me want to puke. Where is the outrage on the part of this nation to what these so-called leaders are doing-or neglecting to do?
If this country returns him to the White House after all his failures, lies, scandals, and now sheer negligence, it will say something very serious about what we have become as a society.
You can only chomp at the bit if you know there is something to chomp at the bit to do.
And is there any reason to believe that what one radio talk show host told another radio talk show host the father of the Seal said the president said... has any bearing on what the president actually said? That's a mighty thin chain of evidence.
I sincerely doubt that a professor of constitutional law would promise to arrest and prosecute the maker of a video, however scurrilous. Our government couldn't even prosecute the makers of Deep Throat.
Further, I doubt a politician as astute as President Obama would ever consider that the father of a Navy Seal would be assuaged by that particular promise.
Sounds like a canned rap to me, and probably not verbatim from the father either.
But your crowd thrives on innuendo, given that facts are so often proving inconvenient.
Not verbatim? Did you listen to the audio?
Accept the word of the father or don't. It's your choice.
Unlike Gary Fouse and Lars Larson, the father is not mad at anyone, but he has heard a lot of things (haven't we all -- and God only knows how much of it is true) and naturally he'd like to know what really happened. When the talk show hosts calm down, move on to new fields for opportunistic commentary, then maybe we CAN find out what really happened.
And yes, you did attribute the remark to Hillary, not to President Obama, as did the father. There are reasons I voted for Obama, not Hillary, in 2008. I wouldn't have picked for Sec. of State a woman who sees vast right wing conspiracies in every petty radio talk show. But then, if I were Abraham Lincoln, would I have picked Salmon Chase for Treasury? Somehow, both presidents have made good use of their rivals.
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