Elizabeth Warren (aka Little White Dove) is getting big time support from the labor unions in her race for the Massachusetts Senate seat. So big time that the unions are reportedly fining their members if they don't turn out to support her campaign. (Hat tip Weekly Standard)
Now watch Warren's ridiculous answers as she is asked about it by a local Fox News reporter.
One wonders what it is she is "so proud of".
"Whaddaya mean youse ain't gonna support Warren?"
Warren sounds like a broken record. She knows what to say and she says it over and over, regardless of the circumstances. "I want to go to Washington to work for the working people and not the millionaires and billionaires." must have done well in opinion polls so that's what she says over and over.
The disgrace of forcing union members to pay dues and then using the dues to contribute to candidates that the union bosses want but not the members is unconscionable.
Thanks what unions do. It is thuggery. It should be criminalized and prosecuted. These union bosses regularly vist the White House.
Yet no one calls it conspiracy.
What pathetic tripe! A major news network reduced to playing a video posted on You Tube! By a shadowy individual who claims to be a union member, claims he was fined for not showing up at a rally... Yeah, I could post a video on You Tube saying I'm the Emperor of China and was recently contacted by the CIA to warn me that the PLA has a hit squad in America trying to kill me and that's why I had to leave my beautiful mansion in Washington Heights (that's a swanky neighborhood in Milwaukee where you can't live for the rent I pay) and am now hiding out in a hogan in Arizona... would Fox News run that?
I know you are a union guy, but if it isn't true, don't you think Warren could have done a better job of refuting it? She was pathetic.
Warren said she knew nothing about any unions fining members who declined to help her campaign. This is most likely true. Then, declining to feed into the anti-union hysteria, she affirmed that she is proud of the union endorsements she has received.
It is beyond belief that any union could expect to fine members for not participating in designated political activities. They know they're in a fish bowl. They know that's a violation of all kinds of laws. They totally depend (unfortunately) on government machinery to maintain their status as bargaining unit.
Almost certainly this accusation is as phony as a $3 bill. But, Warren didn't say that, because she didn't have affirmative confirmation. She didn't know absolutely. Her response was precisely the appropriate one.
You would consider any response pathetic that didn't assume the unspecified union to be guilty as charged, denounce all unions, endorse the National Right to Work for Less Committee, and urge all union members to vote for Scott Brown.
P.S. I AM sick of Democrats who don't have the common sense to campaign by driving a pick-up truck all over the state.
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