
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Let the Attacks (on Paul Ryan) Begin

No sooner than the announcement of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's running mate was made, the Obama attack machine swings into full attack mode. This morning I get this e-mail from the Obama campaign.

Jim Messina,  Add to Addresses Block Sender
Date:Saturday, August 11, 2012 11:47 AM
Subject:Paul Ryan
Size:10 KB
Obama - Biden
Friend --

Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney's running mate.

What you need to know right now: This election is about values, and today Romney doubled down on his commitment to take our country back to the failed policies of the past.

Congressman Paul Ryan is best known as the author of a budget so radical The New York Times called it "the most extreme budget plan passed by a House of Congress in modern times." With Mitt Romney's support, Ryan would end Medicare as we know it and slash the investments we need to keep our economy growing -- all while cutting taxes for those at the very top.

Over the next few days, Romney's campaign and its allies will tell a very different story about Paul Ryan.

Our job is to make sure Americans know the truth about what Romney's choice says about him as a candidate and leader, and to stand with President Obama and Vice President Biden at another major moment in this campaign.

Say you're with them:

Thanks for all you're doing. More to come.


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Election Day is closer than you think --

Come Monday, the mad-hatters at MSNBC will be devoting half of their time attacking Romney and the other half attack Ryan. It's the Chicago style of politics. Soon there will be made up stories that will be painted to look like Ryan is evil incarnate-just as the past two weeks has featured ads on Romney and statements by Harry Reid that are patently false. Remember the ad that showed a Ryan look-a-like pushing granny in the wheelchair off a cliff? That's just a taste of what is to come.


Findalis said...

I expect that the Lame Stream Media will now put out the following:

Ryan kills puppies and kittens.

Ryan refuses to us condoms.

Ryan refused to give his children a piece of candy.

Let the smears begin!!!!

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The comments you quote are quite accurate. Ryan thinks the world is an Ayn Rand novel. In real life, things don' work like that. Ryan's most well-known proposal is "The Incredible Shrinking Voucher." Findalis thinks she's having trouble paying her electric bill? Just wait until her Medicare disappears.

(Findalis is being silly. Ryan didn't do any of those things, honey. He might be trying to kill you off at 65, but he does not kill puppies and kittens.)

Findalis said...

I hate to inform you but I don't use Medicare. I am a Veteran and use the VA.

I see that Sialyrs' needs a "satire" button.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Congratulations Findalis.

No wonder you passed your security check.

You should read the National Lampoon parody of MAD Magazine, featuring the movie parody "Citizen Gaines."