"Heigh ho, heigh ho
It's off to vote we go."
The depressing report from PJ Media by J Christian Adams explains why it will be hard to beat Obama in November. With a corrupt Justice Department that is trying to enroll more voters while ignoring 2 million dead voters, many of whom will, indeed vote, it looks like the fix is in. In addition, the voter stealers at ACORN are still out there.
It's the old saying; if you win by more than 5% they can't steal it. Everything points to a close election. Keep in mind that it was the dead from Chicago's cemeteries that swung Illinois for JFK. Illinois gave him the election.
We have a corrupt adminsitration that will use a corrupt Justice Department to try and ensure Obama's election. SEIU, the new ACORN and others will be out in force trying to fix this election. The answer?
This is pathetic. You people are simply setting this scenario up ahead of time so that you have a convenient excuse if your side happens to lose. You're being sore losers before the election even happens!
Well, I guess we know which way you are going to vote.
PS: Are you dead too?
Here in Chicagoland we have a saying: "In November, on Election Day, you will see the dead rise up from the graves and vote Democrat. Even if they were Republicans in the past."
Gary, read Mike Royko's book Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago. Royko knew where all the bodies were buried in his city. He carefully documented that the Republican Party did in fact request and pay for a recount in 1960. The recount resulted in a shift of about 600 votes from Kennedy to Nixon, and 25,000 votes from the Democratic challenger to incumbent Republican state's attorney Benjamin Adamowski.
Daley's priorities were quite clear. The presidency was all right, but the important thing was to take back the office of state's attorney. When it became evident that THE RECOUNT WOULD NOT SHIFT ILLINOIS's ELECTORAL VOTES FROM KENNEDY TO NIXON, the Republican Party cut off the funds, the recount stopped, and Adamowski lacked the local resources to pay to continue it.
And yes, I think Anonymous is right that you are setting up a future-tense sour grapes story line to comfort yourself when our president is re-elected.
We had a plant in Haiti once. The manager there told me that one year Papa Doc had so many votes that they figured that even the mosquitoes voted. I suppose if the Dems run out of dead people, they can use this backup pool of voters.
I heard some pundit (forget who it was) say the other day that in Chicago, Democrats vote early, often, and frequently in alphabetical order.
Not in alphabetical order elwood. That's not necessary. After the ballots are cast, the precinct committee man fills in the sheets with the desired numbers. What's the point of counting the ballots?
There was a story in Mike Royko's decades of coverage, that a ward boss told his precinct captain "You brought in 100 percent? That's how investigations get started. Go back and give the Republicans three votes!"
Keep in mind, this machine was staffed with good conservative God-fearing Christians (and not a few Jews), who didn't have any truck for hippies and liberals. In fact, liberals had to run as Republicans.
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