David Brock-Founder of Media Matters for America
Strange duck
Excuse me for asking a dumb question, but aren't 501 c3s supposed to be non-partisan? If that is the case, how does Media Matters qualify? New revelations show that they have been active in coordinating President Obama's re-election bid. Super PAC, you say?
I always figured David Brock was off his rocker. This report adds fuel to the fire. This is the guy who was a conservative activist before he became a liberal activist.
I don't care that there is another liberal advocacy group out there. Welcome to the club. I do expect them to adhere to the laws governing non-profits.
Update from Fox News (2-16): While Media Matters is on the gun control bandwagen, Brock walks around with an armed security guard.
You talk about hypocrisy.
This guy looks like a young Trotsky, with a haircut.
Google "Picture of Trotsky" and see for yourself.
The Media Matters for America tax status begs the question: Who will prosecute David Brock; Eric Holder?
This is really scary. I remember when everyone went ballistic, rightfully so, when Nixon's Enemies List was disclosed.
If the government specifically targets a news organization, then they have over stepped and ignored the Constitution. The Nazis and Communist USSR did the same thing. This once again proves if you don't know history you are not only ignorant, you are dangerously ignorant.
Miggie, this guy doesn't work for the government. Or hadn't you noticed?
It was well and truly said on another blog discussing this topic that those who take up cudgels, first for one ideology, then for its opposite, are more concerned with the cudgels they wield than with what purpose they wield them for.
Media Matters has had several white house meetings. I suggest you go to Daily caller and you will learn a lot. The questions begs: How is Media matters a 501c3? Their tax staus needs to be changed. They are blatantly breaking the law.
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