Amid all the propaganda against Israel going on within American and European academia, you might think that the Palestinians were the ultimate victims of brutality, occupation, and apartheid. I don't buy it. However, rather than defend Israel's security measures, which I have already done many times, I want to express here why I have so little sympathy for the Palestinians.
All during my adult life, I have been reading and hearing about Palestinian terror since the 1960s. First it was the airplane hijackings. Then it was the Munich massacre during the 1972 Olympics. There have been too many to count. When I was living in Italy in the 1980s, there was the Achille Lauro takeover in which Leon Klinghoffer, an elderly American Jew, was killed in front of his wife and thrown overboard in his wheelchair. There were the simultaneous attacks on Rome and Vienna airports, in which random victims were killed. Yes, the Palestinians have been not only content to kill Israelis, but Americans and Westerners in general.
When 9-11 happened, what did Palestinians do? They danced in the streets and passed out candy, just as they have done when terrorists blew up Israeli buses and pizza parlors killing civilians, women and children. They passed out candy when an entire Jewish family was slaughtered in their home in the West Bank including a 3- month-old infant sleeping in a crib.
The problem is that the Palestinians have hitched their wagon to blood-thirsty leaders like Yasser Arafat, Hamas and Hezbollah. They don't really want a two-state solution and peace with Israel. They want it all-"from the river to the sea". To this day, they continue to lob rockets into southern Israel, hitting schoolyards.
In Gaza, Hamas rejects peace talks. They want every last Jew driven from the Holy Land and the establishment of a Muslim state. Their very charter quotes the hadith that talks of the "last Jew hiding behind a tree and calling to the Muslim to come and kill him." To this day, they continue to lob rockets into southern. Israel hitting schoolyards where children play. Meanwhile, the so-called moderate Palestinian Authority features a news media that demonizes Jews as apes and monkeys. How is Israel supposed to sit down and negotiate with that?
In the face of all this, liberal Westerners, radical academics and gullible students have been brainwashed into thinking that Israel is the aggressor. As for the terrorism, they ignore it or call it "legitimate resistance". Our problem in the West is that we have lost our moral compass.
Yes, I want to see an eventual settlement that will lead to peace, but I am skeptical. The Palestinians have not demonstrated that they can even run a country-let alone one that would live in peace with Israel. It is easy to speak of a Palestinian nation, but once nationhood is granted, it has the sovereign power to make its own alliances with radical nations like Iran and receive shipments of God knows what. Who needs the establishment of another outlaw state?
Finally, I am convinced that this conflict is not about land, rather it is about religion. The Arab world will not accept a Jewish state in the region. That is why they tried to defeat Israel by war in 1948, 1967 and 1973. They failed, but the Palestinian "cause" is just an excuse to continue that war by other means.
Until the Palestinians decide to forget conquest and renounce terror, I cannot feel sympathy for them.
Best term I heard for them? genocidal welfare queens! Don't really hear it pointed out too much, but did anybody call the media out on their decided lack of reporting on Arafat's death?
A major reason that Palestinians are the way they are is because they are taught hatred and and lies about Israel throughout their school system. I suppose if I believed all the lies about Israel as they do, I would be anti-Israel as well.
The Israelis realized this and got a formal agreement from them that this would stop in the Oslo Accords. Of course the Palestinians reneged on this.
If this stopped entirely tomorrow, it will still take 100 years at least to get this stain out of their society.
Using your own reasoning, it looks like you need to withdraw your support from the Israelis now as well.
I refer you to the first two comments following the article in the link you sent:
Please have the courage and the honesty to see what the *rest* of Israelis are commenting on that same status, just a little down the line.
And remember - when you're shown a few lines of hateful scum, try to ask whether you're seeing the entire picture.
Submitted by Ran (not verified) on Thu, 2012-02-16 17:19.
I mourn the loss of innocent lives, in such a horrible tragedy, be they Jews, Arabs, Israelis, Palestinians, tourists or whatever else.
Your coverage of the event, however, is shameful. You start by saying "after an Israeli truck carrying a fuel tank crashed into the school bus transporting the kindergarten". Just a line after that you say "The bus carrying the children collided with the truck at an intersection in Jaba'a, overturned, and caught on fire." - so what crashed into what? The truck into the bus, or the other way around?
And then, in the end, "journalist Diana Alzeer said the collision was likely an accident due to wet weather, and not politically motivated.". Likely?! Oh, please...
Shame on the Israeli talkbacks expressing joy, but that doesn't justify your mock journalism
Did Israel exist before the Balfour agreement?
Whose land was it prior?
Read the Talmud on views of non-Jews.
Who were the dancing Israelis on 9/11 filming the destruction and how did they know this?
Can you really trust a people that take a vow so they can lie to any non-Jew and not be held accountable?
I believe Israel existed about 3,000 years ago. I will let my Jewish readers give you the exact dates. I guess I could ask you when Palestine was a a nation.
As far as your statements about Jews dancing on 9-11 or lying to non-Jews with impunity, I believe you are mixing up your groups.
Never throw rocks at a mirror.
Judaism has been described by Moses Mendelssohn,
a learned Jew, in this way : — " Judaism is not a religion
but a Law religionized. " This definition does away
effectively with the erroneous belief prevalent among
the non-Jews that Judaism is a religion.
In spite of the loud and frequent assertions, made
by Jews and Christian divines alike, contending that
the Jews were the first monotheists, it is a well proven
fact that the high initiates of the Memphis priesthood
were monotheists long before the Jews ever went to
The closer one studies the history of the Jews, the
clearer it appears that they are neither a religious entity
nor a nation. The absolute failure of Zionism which was a desperate effort on the part of certain Jewish
leaders to bind all the Jews of the world into a national
entity, whose territory would have been Palestine,
proves the futility of such an effort.
Judaism is not a religion and the Jews are not a
nation, but they are a sect with Judaism as a rite.
With its B'nai B'rith Supreme Council as the directing
head, the sect with its members swarming among
all nations has become the sovereign power ruling in
the councils of all nations and governing their political,
economic, religious and educational policies.
We know that the Jewish God is not the father of
all men and the ideal of love, justice and mercy, like
the Christian God, or even like Ahura-Mazda or Brahma.
On the contrary, he is the God of vengeance down to
the fourth generation, just and merciful only to his
own people, but foe to all other nations, denying them
human rights and commanding their enslavement that
Israel might appropriate their riches and rule over
The Jewish Sages soon understood that Christ's
way of commenting upon the old Law introduced,
instead of hatred towards foreign nations, brotherly
feelings and equality of all men in the face of God, thus
denying the Jews their privileged position as masters
of the world.
At the same time, Christ's reforming the very primitive
and rough moral ideas of the Old Testament,
deprived the Jews of their very convenient-in-the battle-
of-life, unscrupulous, double morality.
In his Manual of Freemasonry Richard Carlile makes
the following observations:
" That there was no such nation as the Israelites,
is a truth — found in the consideration that they are
not mentioned beyond the Bible in any records whatever.
Egypt knew them not, Persia knew them not,
Hindostan knew them not, Scythia knew them not,
Phoenicia knew them not, Greece knew them not, as
a nation. And in the first general notice that we have
of the Jews, they are introduced to the world as a
sect, or a series of sects, being Pharisees, Sadducees,
and Essenes ; and in that general notice, beyond that
sort of mistaken allegorical history which Josephus has copied from the books of the Old Testament, and
which is not otherwise corroborated, and no better
authority than the book of the Old Testament, there
is no presentation of the Jews as the descendants of
a larger nation of Israelites ; as a religious or philosophical
sect of distinction, mixed up with, and found
in real human history, they are not to be traced higher
than the century before the Christian era.
Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11 A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11. The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards. (1) Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming "middle-eastern" men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. (2 ...
Depending on when you mark the "beginning" of Judaism, whether it was with Abraham, or Moses, or the giving of the 10 Commandments, you would have a range of roughly 1,500 to 2,000 years, BCE.
I''ll undertake to disabuse you of several of the assertions you have cut and pasted here.
Yes, there was an Israel long before the Balfour Declaration. It was an empire headed by a successive number of kings, one was King Solomon, who you might have heard of. There has been a continuous presence in Israel of Jews since then and one of our prayers says, "Next year in Jerusalem." So our connection to that land is old and longstanding and never wavered.
Insofar as the filming of the 9/11 destruction, there were many other people who filmed it a the time, none of which were thought to be complicit. Whatever it was, these guys were interrogated for a long time and found to be innocent and let go. I doubt if anyone in law enforcement would have let anyone suspicious go in those days. (That was the days before Eric Holder)
If you have an alternate theory of how the Mossad was "involved" or "knew about it" you have to first explain about the 19 Muslims would carried out the attack. (It would be educational for you to read The Looming Towers, the definitive book about what happened.)
This or another anonymous (wonder why they are always anonymous) brought up these examples a year or so ago. I checked them out and they were shaky at best. No purpose in re-examining them again.
Anonymous, I don't know where you get your information, but the B'nai B'rith, much less a "Supreme Council" is basically a support organization for like minded Jews. That they control or direct Judaism would be big news to the Rabbis and all the other Jewish organizations. One of the oldest anti-Semitic canards around is that the Jews control the world.
It helps though, doesn't it, to have someone else to blame for your ignorance, poverty, underachievement, in Muslim governments and for you personally. It was the Jew's fault that you didn't become what you could have been, right?
Insofar as the theology of God is concerned, mainline Judaism believes that God is unknowable. If you assign attributions to Him, like to a man, you necessarily limit Him. If He were "merciful" then how about all those Holocaust victims? The point is that we don't know his Plan... I recommend you read the Book of Job for an biblical treatment of this "unfairness." Oh wait, there was no biblical period for Israel.
Incidentally, the Holocaust also refutes your "..just and merciful only to his own people" bible portion that you made up. That is unless, of course, you don't believe that there was a Holocaust.
The rest of your prattle is too ridiculous to address.
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