
Friday, January 27, 2012

Palestinian Authority Defends Mufti's Anti-Jewish Comments

Grand Mufti Sh. Muhammad Hussein                          Grand Mufti Haj Amin al Husseini with friend

(Hat tip to Family Security Matters)

A few days ago, I posted an article on comments made by the Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammad Hussein in the Palestinian Authority calling for the murder of Jews. In the face of international criticism, the PA is defending the Grand Mufti. In fact, they are calling for international human rights organizations to condemn the criticism of the Mufti The below article is from Family Security Matters.

Go figure. Keep in mind, these are the so-called "good Palestinians" with whom Israel is supposed to negotiate with-as opposed to the boys of Hamas in Gaza, who reject any idea of negotiations and openly call for the destruction of Israel as they continue to shoot rockets into schoolyards in southern Israel..

As ludicrous as it sounds, I am sure the PA will find plenty of western so-called human rights organizations who will spring to the Mufti's defense. Even if they don't, you won't hear a word from groups like the International Solidarity Movement, Sabeel, Viva Palestina, the BDS crowd, and the rest of those mopes. Aside from perhaps, a few isolated Jewish university studnts, you won't hear about this on college campuses-especially during those vicious Israel Apartheid events that come around every year.

It is sick.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

As far as PERMITTING incitement, the USA permitted George Lincoln Rockwell to speak far and wide and say whatever he wanted to. My father picketed him on one such occasion.

But the Sheikh betrays an abysmal ignorance of the history of Islam when he draws the conquest of Jerusalem by Caliph Umar into his schpiel. The conquest of Jerusalem was made possible by the active collaboration of the Jewish population in the immediate environs. They had been excluded by the Romans and Byzantines, before and after the Empire adopted Christianity as Caesar's Official Religion. They were happy to assist Umar, who cheerfully authorized them back in. The caliphate carefully incorporated every remnant of Herod's temple they could find into the mosque called the Dome of the Rock. The temple fragments were carefully gathered and treated as sacred.

Poor ignorant Sheikh.

Gary Fouse said...

None of which I care about. I care that today in 2012 muftis, imams and others are screaming, "Kill the Jews"

Squid said...

@ Siarlys

Interesting history Siarlys. The Romans removed the Jewish population from Jerusalem, sacked and destroyed the Second Temple around 80 CE. The controlled Jerusalem up to 638 CE. In the days of Mohammed, who died in 632 of the Common Era, Jerusalem was a Christian city within the Byzantine Empire. Jerusalem was captured by Khalif Omar only in 638, six years after Mohammed's death. Throughout all this time there were only churches in Jerusalem, and a church stood on the Temple Mount, called the Church of Saint Mary of Justinian, built in the Byzantine architectural style. Jews were not present to overthrow the empire.

The Aksa Mosque was built 20 years after the Dome of the Rock, which was built in 691-692 by Khalif Abd El Malik. The name "Omar Mosque" is therefore false. In or around 711, or about 80 years after Mohammed died, Malik's son, Abd El-Wahd - who ruled from 705-715 - reconstructed the Christian- Byzantine Church of St. Mary and converted it into a mosque.


Anonymous said...

If you care so much about the present, then why are you constantly bringing up the Grand Mufti's relationship with Hitler during WWII?

Gary Fouse said...

Because my anonymous idiot, Siarlys writes about things that happened thousands of years ago. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem goes back a half a century ago. There are holocaust survivors still living as there are holocaust perpetrators still among us. What the earlier Mufti preached is still being preached by the present-day Mufti.

Get it?

elwood p suggins said...

Yeah, thankfully we can pretty much say whatever we want to here in the U.S., with a very few exceptions, contrasted to the rest of the world.

In addition to people like Rockwell this includes, for example, Black Panthers who can talk about killing cops and all white people, like that fool in Philly. Welcome to America.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Interesting history Squid. If you meant to suggest that you and I are having an argument, I fail to see where or how.

Gary likes to quote haddith from circa 700 AD to prove that Islam is inherently hostile to Jews, then when anyone brings up any history happening around the same time, or since, he goes ballistic.

Gary likes to talk about how this has been Jewish land for 3000 years and the Arab residents with a mere 1300 year tenure should get the hell out of the way, but if anyone brings up anything that has happened in the last 2000 years, he calls that "idiocy."

Gary should be concerned that muftis screaming "Kill the Jews" are vulnerable to attack and derision as having no understanding of the religion in whose name they claim to speak, or its true history.

Gary teaches English at the university level, but somehow never ran across the concept "Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it."